gauntlet是什么意思 gauntlet的中文翻译、读音、例句

发布时间:2022-09-30 14:43:11 阅读:86 点赞:0

gauntlet是什么意思 gauntlet的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. Running the gntlet thugh hostile cwds, and some weang motorbike helmets to prnt injy.

翻译:一些消防员冒险穿过了充满敌意人群 一些人头戴摩托车头盔以防伤害 。

2. i was beginning to think i wasn't going to get thugh yo gntlet of minions.

3. Dp that gntlet, toper.

4. All we can do is hold hands and run thugh the fiery gntlet.

5. if the gntlet doesn't fit, you must acquit.

6. Downside to weang metal near a Polaty Gntlet...

7. The gntlet has been thwn down, but the faculty have answered and answered with vigor.

8. Running the gntlet thugh hostile cwds, and some weang motorbike helmets to prnt injy.

翻译:一些消防员冒险穿过了充满敌意人群 一些人头戴摩托车头盔以防伤害。

9. She picked up the gntlet in her incisive keynote address to the conference.

10. but they'll have to swim past the gntlet of gry bears first.

翻译:但含氧丰富湖水 也让某些动物长得庞大 贝加尔湖有些端足类能长到90厘米长。

11. - Last time i looked, just the Polaty Gntlet and the immobilizer.

12. Let me take up this gntlet, Sire.

13. We won't put them in that gntlet.

14. in a moment of csis, i threw up the sponge... instead of thwing down the gntlet.

15. As the bats leave to feed each ning, they run the gntlet of the waiting ters.

翻译:每天傍晚蝙蝠离开去捕食 等候中猎食者对它们进行严酷考验。


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