democrat是什么意思 democrat的中文翻译、读音、例句

发布时间:2022-09-30 14:43:27 阅读:116 点赞:0

democrat是什么意思 democrat的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. They just wanna know, are you a Democrat or a Republican?

2. Anything to put a Democrat into the governor's mansion.

3. She was a McGovern Democrat but incredibly snobbish.

4. it's solvable, not by being a Democrat, not by being a Republican.

翻译:这是是解决得了, 不是通过作为一个党, 不是通过作为一个党。 。

5. You Republican or Democrat?

6. But then the company passes thugh this dark stage to this Democrat.

翻译:但是公司把历史掩盖了 通过黑幕背后交易 给这位党人 。

7. Yo parents? Democrat or Republican?

8. The facts aren't Democrat or Republican.

9. When it comes to women, you're a true democrat.

10. Halberd Law, indiana, Democrat, votes no.

翻译:Halberd Law 印第安那州 党 投票... 反对。

11. is he a Democrat or a Republican?

12. - Well, that, and a Democrat.

13. You're a Democrat, remember?

14. if you are a Republican, you can take a Democrat to lunch, or if you're a Democrat, think of it as taking a Republican to lunch.

翻译:如果你是 一个党人, 你可以和一个党人一起吃午饭; 又比如说 你是个党人, 那就和一个党人一起吃午饭吧。。

15. He lost badly but ry Democrat does.

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