
发布时间:2022-08-29 14:13:45 阅读:429 点赞:0


关于”态度影响巨大“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Attitudes have a huge impact。以下是关于态度影响巨大六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Attitudes have a huge impact

Nowadays, TV PK pgram (or we can call it talent show) is very popular in China and attracts many young people. For me, TV PK pgrams, like other things, have both positive and negative effects. Therefore, the most important thing is how we look at these pgrams.

Some people think that talent shows pvide a stage for grass-ots people to show their talents. Therefore, they should seize ry opportunity to show their talents. Some college students n give up their studies to participate in these TV PK pgrams, hoping to become famous overnight.

They n regard TV PK pgrams as a shortcut to success, while others think that TV PK pgrams are the shortcut to success For TV PK pgrams will cultivate college students' attitude of eager for success and instant success. Once they fail in these pgrams, they will suffer fm huge psychological imbalance, which is very unfavorable to their physical and mental health. In short, rything has its limitations.

As long as the attitude is correct, it will be ok.




Nowadays, TV PK pgram (or we can call it talent show) is very popular in China and attracts many young people. For me, TV PK pgrams, like other things, have both positive and negative effects. Therefore, the most important thing is how we look at these pgrams.

Some people think that talent shows pvide a stage for grassots people to show their talents. Therefore, they should seize ry opportunity to show their talents. Some college students n give up their studies to participate in these TV PK pgrams in order to become famous overnight.

They n regard TV PK pgram as a shortcut to success, while others think that TV PK pgram will cultivate college students' attitude of eager for success and instant success. Once they fail in these pgrams, they will suffer fm huge psychological imbalance, which is very unfavorable to their physical and mental health. In short, rything has its limitations, as long as the attitude is correct, it will be OK.





In the picte above, it reflects o very different attitudes. These o attitudes oginate fm different attitudes towards the left. On the contrary, the Rightists beli that this attitude is insping and leads to great success.

For example, Seneca, the ancient Roman philosopher, once the good or bad of any situation is affected by o attitude, we are the best.




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