
发布时间:2022-03-14 11:46:30 阅读:405 点赞:0




After the seeds and fertilizer were found out, we be to plant flowers according to the instructions. I planted a "sunflower", and my mother was a kind of "vitality". We first filled a jar of medium wet soil, and then sowed: I took o toothpicks, poked one by one in a one centimeter deep hole on the sface of the soil, and then planted dolphins into it, and then covered the soil gently.

It was ready, mom My mother looked at the manual and told me that she was gwing up vigously. Dancing with music, my mother and I were looking forward to the flowers sputing quickly and gwing up. We would play together.




How to plant flowers? You know how to plant flowers? Let me tell you first, then put the seeds of flowers into the soil, and then put them in the sun, and then often add water to make se it gets enough sun. Finally, waiting for a flower to germinate and wait for a flower to gw. It's very easy.

Doesn't it let us plant and flowers and make the world betiful.




In the early spng of this year, some of my neighbors be to plant flowers. They gw morning glory, jaine, cactus and so on in their flowerpots. I want to try it myself, but I have neither knowledge nor expeence in it.

Fortunately, I came acss a book about plants in the library, and I read the relevant chapters, which gave me the impression that if you can pvide enough fertilizer and water for any plant, both elements will make it thve. Obviously, fertilizer is the most important one. According to what I learned fm the hook, I planted some morning glory seeds in a flowerpot with a lot of fertilizer, and watered them ry day.

I really took care of them and eagerly waited for their germination. Howr, half a month later, they still did not gw. I was very disappointed.

I dug some seeds fm the soil and found that they were tten, Why do they t? I went to one of my neighbors and he told me that my faile was due to my misunderstanding of hooks. In fact, I gave them too much water or fertilizer, which could be a double-edged sword. I think I have to do this and learn fm this faile.

Even if hydphybotany is pposeful, don't go beyond the limit.





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