
发布时间:2022-03-10 12:12:07 阅读:886 点赞:0


关于”写学习最佳建议“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Wte the best advice for learning。以下是关于写学习最佳建议高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte the best advice for learning

Dear students, today I am very happy to be here to give you a speech, you asked me some advice on learning English, now I want to tell you how I learn English, I find it difficult to remember so many words and phrases, and then I found that the best way to remember words is to read English novels and newsletters, reading is very ful to you, so you should If you are not good at reading, you can listen to English radio ry day, such as VOA and bbcdoong. As I said, keeping a diary ry day is also the best way to practice wting. You can finally wte down yo daily life.

You can learn English by participating in English corner, so you can impve yo oral English. You can communicate with yo clasates in English Skills will change a lot. You make these suggestions.

They are my secret of learning English. I hope these methods can you nr give up. That's all.

Thank you.




Suggestions for learning vary according to different people and different needs. Now I'd like to share some suggestions. First of all, focus on yo work.

Some students can't concentrate, which means they will shift their attention to other things. Please remember, you must concentrate on yo work if you think the following exercise is not suitable for you, Then you will find it difficult to complete these exercises scientifically. If you are not familiar with the concepts in the textbook, you can yze yo pblems with the of the textbook, find a suitable method, and then you can make pgress.

In addition, there is always om for impvement in reflection fm time to time. The only thing that matters is that you should take the time, slow down, think about what you can impve, and then move on. If you accept my advice, I beli you can make a difference.





In order to learn English well, you should first follow these steps, and then concentrate on listening to English class, and wte down ry mistake you have made in yo notebook. Otherwise, you should change the line once a week. Otherwise, you can speak English aloud ry morning, listen to English badcast and watch English pgrams.




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