
发布时间:2022-03-20 06:35:54 阅读:144 点赞:0




Many people wake up in the morning or refresh themselves with a cup or o of coffee on weekdays, but now a chemist has come up with a quick alternative to a cup of coffee. Amecan biochemist Ben Yu d "spray ener," which is the world's first topicalener sprayer for coffee. He said that a weak worker can spray a all amount of caffeine on the skin without feeling a stng buzz, not increasing unnecessary caloes or having a dislike aftertaste, as if the patent caffeine spray that they might get when they dnk ener dnks or coffee is an odorless liquid that is absorbed thugh the skin and distbuted in the body for hos.

Becse the content is obviously longer than dnking a cup of coffee. Each vial of aluminum emits about the equivalent of a cup of coffee, and the creators say it's a way to get caffeine, which is much cheaper than going to a coffee shop. The only active ingredient in the sprays is caffeine, which can natally enter the body thugh the cell membrane thugh the skin.

It is very similar to nicotine in structe, and the amount of caffeine in each spray is about 1/4 of the caffeine found in a cup of coffee, but apparently it has the same effect as a full cup of coffee. The website says, "this is becse o pduct is not ingested, and it is hardly completely metabolized by the liver before enteng yo and enteng yo body". Therefore, a all amount of caffeine can pduce the same effect as a large amount of caffeine.

The caffeine that is consumed thugh an ener dnk or a cup of coffee can have the same effect Ener recommends that users use sprayers in areas where perfume is usually used, such as neck or wst, but warn users not to exceed one day's spray. The company claims that users will feel "awake and focused without being overstimulated" after spraying pducts onto the skin, which is common in coffee and ener dnks..



每一小瓶铝合金可能量大约出相当于一杯咖啡咖啡因,创造者说它是一种获得咖啡因方法比去咖啡馆便宜得多。雾剂中唯一活成分是咖啡因,它可以通过细胞膜自然地通过皮肤进入人体。它在结构上与尼古丁非常相似,每一次雾剂所含咖啡因量约为所发现咖啡因量四分之一在一杯咖啡中,但显然有着与满杯咖啡相同效果,该网站说:“这是因为我们产品没有被摄入,在进入你和进入你身体之前,几乎没有完全被肝脏代谢掉”,因此,少量咖啡因可以产生与大量咖啡因相同效果通过能量饮料或一杯咖啡摄入咖啡因“Sprayable ener”网站建议用户在平时香水地方(如颈部或手腕)使用雾器,但警告用户不要超过一天雾量,该公司声称,在将产品到皮肤上后,使用者会感到“清醒和专注而不会被过度刺激”,这在咖啡和能量饮料中很常见。


I want to invent a chair. Now there are many different chairs. I want to invent a chair.

The teeth of the chair are different fm other chairs. It can be used to take care of patients. It only needs people to put in it.

The data doesn't need safe and practical people.




Fee is a toy invented by a gup of college students. In fact, students didn't invent it. They just found out that the oginal Fee was actually a metal pie plate fm a bakery in Bdgeport, Connecticut.

Students there like to eat pie fm bakery. Then they thw the pie plate into a company and start plastic disks. Now there is a flying scer club This flying scer magazine, n the national flying scer festival in September, don't you think it all started with a pie dish? Is that amazing.




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