
发布时间:2022-06-22 10:52:49 阅读:268 点赞:0




On June th, my clasates and I went to the park near o school, where we took part in a volunteer work. We were divided into three gups. We arved there at nine o'clock.

We started to work. Each gup had its own task. The first gup planted trees and watered flowers.

The second gup picked up the garbage left by toists. We cleaned all the equipment in the children's playgund. Everyone worked hard at about 11:30.

Although we were very tired, we were very happy that it was a meaningful day bee we were in Apl 4 I made a good decision on Satday, June. My clasates and I went to the park near o school. You can guess what we did there, not for entertainment, but for participating in volunteer work.

We arved at the park at nine o'clock. The whole class was divided into three gups. I was in the third gup.

Each gup had different tasks. The first gup planted trees and watered flowers. The second gup was asked to pick up and leave And cleaned all the benches.

My team cleaned all the equipment in the children's playgund. We all worked hard until noon. Each of us felt a little tired, but we were happy bee we did a good thing.





Last weekend, there was a camping activity in o school. My good clasate and I took part in the activity together. His name was Tom.

The destination we arved at was that the leader told us, "now, you can find a place you want and put yo things on the gund. Tom and I have collected maple leaves and spruces. There are many different colors, and they are very betiful.

We can see the others I've been watching ants carrying food. Ants are marching in line like an army. It's very interesting.




Reading is a coitive pcess to oain meaning fm wtten or pnted texts. It is a means of language acquisition, communication and shang of information and ideas. Effective readers use decoding techniques to translate pnted texts into language sounds, use morphemes, semanti, syntax and context cues to identify the meaning of unknown words and activate por knowledge (schema theory) to pve fluency in the pcess of reading.

Studies show that Amecan children learn in third grade Adults who can read, are less likely to end up in pson or dp out of school, or take drugs and often read literary works are nearly three times likely to participate in performing arts activities than other s, nearly fo times likely to visit art museums, than 2.5 times likely to engage in volunteer or chaty work, and 1.5 times likely to participate in sports activities than other s The U.S. also has a higher correlation with weekly income than IQ. Reading is often considered a relaxing pastime, although it requires the brain to pcess text at the same time, so it can be stimulated, but sometimes it is thought to e at least a temporary increase in a person.




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