
发布时间:2022-09-10 06:37:32 阅读:321 点赞:0


关于”上优点“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The advantages of。以下是关于上优点xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The advantages of

I have a lovely rabbit, long ears, white hair, red eyes when bored, it sometimes accompanies me to play, it is human nate to watch TV with me on the sofa, but it has a disadvantage, that is, it does not love clean, this is my lovely rabbit.




I think reading is very important to one's life. First, reading increases o knowledge, so we can understand world nts without leaving home; second, before you learn to wte, reading is a good way to impve yo reading and wting ability; third, you must know how others wte. Reading can baden o knowledge and vision, which is very important for fute job ting.

Finally, reading s us to become a kind of cultivation which is beneficial to o life. So start reading. No matter how old you are and what you are doing, you will find the great charm and benefits of reading.




Simple cycling doesn't need this kind of exercise. Just like other sports, you can deliberately prepare for limited time, limited speed, limited place. Every non motozed vehicle is a place where you can play freely.

You can de alone, you can also hold hands with you. You can take a fishing d with you and take a walk with my portfolio board. You can go for a walk by the way Fend, you can the complete joney of 10 kilometers per ho, envinmental ptection.

Now the air quality is getting worse and worse. The important reason is that there is a lot of tomobile exhst emissions. There is no exhst gas fm cycling, which will affect o life.

Bicycle is a very common and very convenient means of transportation in o country. When people have to work and have an outing Use it often. According to the la research results, cycling, running and swimming are among the aebic exercises that can impve people's endance in other countes.

Cycling fitness can be said to be in the ascendant in the United States. According to us news and world report, there are 10000 people cycling in the United States, and the number of participants is also increasing, which is higher than that in France, Germany and Germany Belgium, Sweden and other countes have increased, and cycling "one-day to" fashion sports toi and entertainment activities, attracted thousands of people to participate in sports. Sports experts pointed out that due to the special requirements of cycling, the arm and trunk are mostly static work, most of which are dynamic work of legs.

In blood redistbution, blood supply of lower li is , and it can also be based on heart rate The speed of trampling exercise, the unn terrain and the difference in the body are in gent need of nuttion supplement and waste discharge. Therefore, the heart rate is often increased to than times than usual. By doing this repeatedly, the advanced heart will become larger, the contractile force of heart will be enhanced, and the elasticity of blood vessel wall will be increased, so as to increase lung ventilation, vital capacity and pulmonary respiratory function.




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