
发布时间:2022-09-05 11:09:16 阅读:375 点赞:0


关于”护理未来规划“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Fute planning of nsing。以下是关于护理未来规划xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Fute planning of nsing

Nate nr deceives us. We always deceive oselves. Rousse.

You can nr plan the fute with the past Bke time is a versatile performer, it flies, advances, heals all wounds, runs out, and will tell that doing it is just going fm om to om Helen Keller Important pnciples can and must be flexible Abraham Lincoln this is the essence of Science: ask an inapppate question, and you are finding an apppate answer. The danger in the past is that humans become slaves, and the danger in the fute is that humans may become bots.


大自然从不欺骗我们,总是我们自己欺骗自己 卢梭 你永远不能用过去来规划未来 伯克 时间是一个多才多艺表演者它飞翔,前进,治愈所有创伤,跑出去,并将告诉做这件事只不过是从一个房间进入另一个房间 海伦·凯勒 重要原则可能而且必须是灵活 亚伯拉罕· 这就是科学质:问一个不恰当问题,你正在找到一个恰当答案,过去危险是人类变成了奴隶,未来危险是人类可能变成机器人。


After graduation, I want to be a good doctor. I beli my spare time will bng my parents health and happiness. I will stay with my family, travel a lot and do a lot of sports.

I will also read books as much as possible, becse I want to impve myself. Even if I work, I will not give up studying. I beli my dream will come true.

Becse of my efforts, my fute life will be better and better.




Let it be, let it be, don't ask for tuble until tuble comes to you. Some of us like to plan o fute, others like to dft with the tide. It's better to look at the world according to what you find, so you won't be disappointed.

Nrtheless, I will let it go becse we can't do anything about it. Why not let it go? Yo objection won't have any effect, as long as it's natal, we'll css the bdge until we reach o destination, whatr happens.




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