
发布时间:2022-09-12 06:50:18 阅读:468 点赞:0




March this year is tree planting day. Before that day, o school bought enough trees. On that day, we didn't have classes.

Teachers and clasates planted trees nd o school. As soon as we got to school, some students be to plant trees. Some students dug the trees, some students put them into the holes, and we pushed the earth with o feet.

Finally, we watered the trees as much as possible. Since then, we have taken good care of the trees. The trees are gwing well, which makes o life betiful and how happy we are.


今年xx月是植树节我们学校在那天之前买了足够多树,那天我们没有上课老师和同学在我们学校周围植树 我们一到校就开始植树有些学生把树挖了一些学生把树放进洞里回到洞里,我们用脚使劲推土,最后我们尽可能地给树浇水。从那时起,我们细心地照料树木,树木长得很好,这使我们生活更加美丽,我们是多么幸福。


March this year is tree planting day. Before that day, o school bought enough trees. On that day, we did not have classes.

Teachers and clasates planted trees nd the school. As soon as we arved at the school, we be to plant trees. Some students dug the trees into holes.

Some students put them back into the soil. Then we pushed the earth with o feet. Finally, we watered the trees as much as possible.

Since then, we have taken good care of the trees. The trees are gwing well, which makes o life betiful and how happy we are.




Trees are very important to o lives. Trees pvide us with oxygen. We all know that in photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is absorbed and oxygen is released.

Trees are very important becse they re decorate the air. Trees are also natal resoces. We use trees to make paper and fnite.

We eat the fruits fm trees. Trees also ptect o envinment. The ots of trees can firmly grasp the soil, reduce the chance of sface runoff, soil esion, and n the non sliding sol particles on the land being washed into the ver by rainwater, thus reducing water pollution and flood.

When the leaves fall on the gund, the leaves are natal fertilizer, and the tten leaves are the soce of nutents for the fertile soil. All in all, trees are useful in many ways. They are very important to us.





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