
发布时间:2022-09-06 09:48:00 阅读:551 点赞:0


关于”保护鲸鱼“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Ptecting whales。以下是关于保护鲸鱼xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ptecting whales

Envinmental ptection since the industal revolution, envinmental ptection is a global pblem, which can not be solved by a country alone. More and coal is used as fuel, a large amount of oke is discharged into the atmosphere, and the air we inhale ry day is also seously polluted. Some factoes deliberately discharge sewage into vers or lakes, seously polluting the water.

The leakage of oil tanks has seously polluted the ocean and made the mane envinment unsuitable. For mane animals such as whales, dolphins and seals, they can svive by breathing polluted air and dnking polluted water. Many people are tubled by the large amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

According to scientific statisti, carbon dioxide is the biggest contbutor to the greenhouse effect The temperate of the ball is sing. On average, it will se about centigrade in the next year. O descendants can't svive on the earth now.

All countes in the world, especially the industalized countes, need to take concerted action to deal with pollution. In the last centy, industalized countes csed seous pollution, so they should contl the global scope In terms of internal pollution, it takes greater responsibility to pvide technical and financial assistance to dloping countes and dloping countes.




In the ice age, a gup with unknown eyes, the composition of the gup can be said to be in disorder. Their bodies, famous for their charm of svival, have interpreted legends. A little squirrel, ice is obviously delicate than the previous three-dimensional films.

In the first shot, the squirrel's nose almost touched the dience. The following fo perfect representative works of Hu Shengjing, handsome, holy and ice are bught The first three are not tolerant. Peach, the dghter of Manny and Ellie, and Sid's grandmother are all playing such les.

Old partners SID, Manny, digger and squirrels are still playing the same le. Peaches and moles play the fo hidden collisions beeen grandma and little whale ice, which stimulate them to the top. Unexpectedly, mole stands in the ice age thugh a real fend On the highest stage, in the face of invincible opponents, there are other captains (monkeys, pirates still take up weapons), grandma Sid calls baby (whale) at the last moment to show her talent and move towards and peace.

In order to overcome evil and overcome the hegemonic fleet of pirates, huyahuxila staged a warm scene, which also reflected the gup of the other side tranerred fm the pirates The pcess of inclusive team is still blliant, which explains that glacier is the concentration of human society, different les give different lives, and the holy call of an inclusive gup pointing to people's heart will still come and look forward to.




Television is ful. Television has appeared since then. Millions of children have gwn up in fnt of the TV.

Why do people like TV? Becse it is very ful to o daily life and has bught great changes to o daily life. TV s to baden people's hozons. It bngs the whole world into o homes.

We can learn about o country and the world Everything else in the world, we can learn better things without leaving home, and it's easier to hear and watch them on TV at the same time than on the radio or books.




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