
发布时间:2022-08-14 07:19:32 阅读:151 点赞:0




But he stressed that apart fm the budget announced at the beginning of the year, the Chinese government has not taken any extraordinary meases, and has pmised that China will achi the target of% economic gwth this year. On Tuesday, the people's Bank of China (PBOC) said that Chinese banks increased 1 billion in loans in local crency in August, howr, after the Chinese government slashed 13 billion yuan of infrastructe loans in August, the Central Bank of China said China's economy grew by% in the first half of this year and has been deteorating since then, it expected that China's economy will gw at its lowest annual gwth rate in many years.




/ USD or / USD exchange rate will be devalued to / USD exchange rate or will be downgraded to / USD exchange rate or / USD exchange rate.




China continues to impve its forei exchange ) China continues to impve its forei exchange ) the flexibility of the renminbi while keeping the exchange rate stable at an apppate and balanced ll, a Chinese Forei Ministry spokean said yesterday (Reuters) that China will continue to impve its monetary and seek the Greater China region to China will continue to impve its monetary and seek greater flexibility for the renminbi while keeping its exchange rate unchanged, a forei ministry spokean said yesterday after the Bush istration said on Wednesday that it would not list China as a country that manipulates its crency to gain unfair trade benefits. "China has always taken a highly responsible attitude in determining its monetary and continued to take actions," Liu Jianchao said at a news conference in Beijing: "we will unswervingly pmote the reform of the financial , impve the exchange rate mechani, increase exchange rate flexibility, impve the ability of financial institutions to ma sks, and ense that the exchange rate remains stable and rational," Liu said at a news conference in Beijing Kang said the U.S. Treasy Department said Beijing was taking action on crency reform, although "slow." China ended its 10-year peg to the U.S.

dollar in July last year and tned to a flexible exchange rate linked to a basket of world crencies. Since then, the Chinese government has allowed the to appreciate than% against the U.S. dollar.

The U.S. Treasy Department will pay close attention to China's implementation Pgress in the rebalancing strate and continue to actively and candidly press China to accelerate the pace of exchange rate flexibility, "the U.S. Treasy Department said in a semi annual report on the exchange rate practices of major trading partners, o leading lawmakers, Lindsay Graham and Charles Schumer, a New York Democrat, said on Wednesday that they would be in September It has sought punitive trade legislation against Beijing to give China time to adopt a flexible exchange rate regime.




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