
发布时间:2022-06-09 06:35:33 阅读:180 点赞:0


关于”长城介绍生“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Intduction students of the Great Wall。以下是关于长城介绍生六级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction students of the Great Wall

Badaling Great Wall bowl slug is located beeen the mountain dges. According to Shan Erjian, the elevation is fluctuating. It is a winding Juyong Pass in the east of Badaling.

It is called Guancheng in the west, near in the West and occupying mediocty in the East. The wall is close to the mountain by o pillars fm the north door lock gate. The wall is of different heights, with an average height of about meters and a width of about meters.

It can hold five horse ice Pool, this section of the Great Wall with ten people in parallel is made of neat giant narw stones. Some long and narw stones are meters in len and weigh dreds of Jin. The soil and stone inside are paved with square bcks.

The ooth wall is built with stone cracks of meters high against the side. There are observation holes on the top and fire holes on the bottom. Space walls are built ry other section in the wall, and a fortress square is built on the wall The tower on the city wall has a high post area, and the tall tower is called enemy holding.

It is called a bench at a lower ll than the place where the sergeant guards and lodges. The height of the tower is not much different fm that of the city wall. Howr, it ptrudes fm the wall outside, and there are gaps aund it.

It is a place for patlling and guarding. Smoke columns are also installed at the commanding height, namely beacon tower, which is a facility for tranitting dangeus sials in ancient times.




I'm Li Ming, a sopho majong in English at Peking University. I learned fm today's China Daily that yo company will recruit volunteers fm the great wall ptection pject I wte to apply for the great wall ptection pject, which is known as one of the "sn wonders". I am very happy that Changcheng has always been a toust attraction.

I once climbed the Great Wall in Badaling, which has pduced great influence on the history of the Great Wall With great interest, I am determined to do my best to ptect this cultal hetage. I am a kind, ful and passionate boy. I can speak fluent English and know that I am a member of the Mountaineeng Club of Peking University.

I like outdoor sports such as hiking and mountaineeng. I think my personality is very suitable for this job. I hope you can consider my application and look forward to yo sincere reply, Li Ming.





The great wall of China is a fortification built in China fm the 5th centy to the beginning of the 20th centy. In order to ptect the dynasties fm attacks by Huns, Mongols, Tks and other nomadic tbes fm modern Mongolia and Manchua, sral great walls, also known as the great wall of China, were built by the first emper of China beeen and The Great Wall built by the first emper of Qin Dynasty is located fther north than the Great Wall built in the Ming Dynasty, and has hardly been preserved. The great wall of China was oginally a pject of the Qin Dynasty, which was desied to block the nomadic Huns fm the northern invaders.

Some of the great walls were built dung the Qin Dynasty. Howr, most of the great walls we see today are the longest man-made buildings in the world. It stretches for sral kilometers fm the mouth of the Bohai Sea in the East.

Beeen "China's native land" and Manchua (Northeast China), Lop N is located in Xinjiang Uyg Autonomous Region The Great Wall is the pde of the Chinese people.




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