
发布时间:2022-09-03 14:43:33 阅读:153 点赞:0


关于”圣诞节好处“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The benefits of Chstmas。以下是关于圣诞节好处四级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The benefits of Chstmas

Chstmas on December 12, people all over the world are celebrating the birth of Jesus Chst. Some people celebrate by giving gifts. Children may thank Santa for giving them new toys.

They may also go to chch with their families. Chstmas has many traditions and symbolic meanings, so it is difficult to determine how it came to celebrate. Today is Chstmas.

On Chstmas morning, children like to take advantage of the dark When they wake up early, sneak into the living om to see if anyone is wting their names, shake them, guess what's in it, and then maybe they'll go back to bed and pretend they're still sleeping, and when their parents wake them up, they'll say "Merry Chstmas," but few of the people I know put on their clothes or have a normal breakfast the first thing on Chstmas morning They just put on their bes or pajamas to see what's under the Chstmas tree. The Chstian family has a tradition of reading the Bible about the birth of Jesus. Maybe it's to remind children that Chstmas is Jesus' birthday.

Some people will start to take out gifts fm under the tree, see whose name is on the package, and pass them on. Some families wait until all the gifts are given and then open them Some families will open ry gift, and there will be a lot of "thank you" words to the giver. They will try on new clothes to see if they fit.

Of cose, the most interesting toys will be played immediately. Usually, there will be some delicious candy or cakes or biscuits in the Chstmas gifts. Everyone will taste these sweets, which may be the only thing many people eat after opening the presents on Chstmas morning After breakfast, apart fm the place where children play with toys, the om will be tidied up, and ryone will wash clothes for the day.

Some people may go to a chch on Chstmas morning aund 10 o'clock. If their chch doesn't have such activities on Chstmas Eve, most people will just watch TV, most men will. Children may play with their new toys outside or inside, but mothers will prepare Chstmas dinner in the kitchen.




Chstmas on December 12, people all over the world are celebrating the birth of Jesus Chst. Some people celebrate by giving gifts. Children may thank Santa for giving them new toys.

They may also go to chch with their families. Chstmas has a lot of traditions and symbols, so it is difficult to determine how it came fm. Today is Chstmas day.

On Chstmas morning, children like to take advantage of the sky Get up early in the dark, sneak into the living om to see if anyone is wting their names, shake them, guess what's in it, and then maybe they'll go back to bed and pretend they're still sleeping, and when their parents wake them up, they'll say "Merry Chstmas," but few of the people I know put on their clothes or have a normal meal the first thing on Chstmas morning They just put on their bes or pajamas to see what's under the Chstmas tree. Chstian families have a tradition of reading the Bible about the birth of Jesus. Maybe it's to remind children that Chstmas is Jesus' birthday.

Some people will start to take presents fm under the tree, see whose name is on the package, and pass them on. Some families wait until all the presents are given before opening them Howr, some families will open ry gift. If there is a lot of "thank you" to the giver, they will try on new clothes to see if they fit.

Of cose, the most interesting toys will be played immediately. Usually, there will be some delicious candy or cakes or biscuits in the Chstmas gifts. Everyone will taste these sweets.

Maybe many people will eat them after opening the presents on Chstmas morning Besides the place where children play with toys, the om will be tidied up and ryone will wash clothes for the day. Some people may go to a chch on Chstmas morning aund 10 o'clock. If their chch doesn't have such activities on Chstmas Eve, most people will just watch TV.

Most men will play with their new toys outside or inside, but mothers will prepare Chstmas dinner in the kitchen.




Chstmas on December 12, people all over the world are celebrating the birth of Jesus Chst. Some people celebrate by giving gifts. Children may thank Santa for giving them new toys.

They may also go to chch with their families. Chstmas has many traditions and symbolic meanings, so it is difficult to determine how it came to celebrate. Today is Chstmas.

On Chstmas morning, children like to take advantage of the dark When they wake up early, sneak into the living om to see if anyone is wting their names, shake them, guess what's in it, and then maybe they'll go back to bed and pretend they're still sleeping, and when their parents wake them up, they'll say "Merry Chstmas," but few of the people I know put on their clothes or have a normal breakfast the first thing on Chstmas morning They just put on their bes or pajamas to see what's under the Chstmas tree. The Chstian family has a tradition of reading the Bible about the birth of Jesus. Maybe it's to remind children that Chstmas is Jesus' birthday.

Some people will start to take out gifts fm under the tree, see whose name is on the package, and pass them on. Some families wait until all the gifts are given and then open them Some families will open ry gift, and there will be a lot of "thank you" to the gift giver. If apppate, they will try on new clothes.

Of cose, the most interesting toys will be played immediately. Usually, there will be some delicious candy or cakes or biscuits in Chstmas gifts. Everyone will taste these sweets, which may be the only one many people eat after opening the presents on Chstmas morning Breakfast, in addition to the place where children play with toys, the om will be tidied up, and ryone will wash clothes for the day.

Some people may go to a chch on Chstmas morning aund 10 o'clock. If their chch doesn't have such activities on Chstmas Eve, most people will just watch TV, most men will. Children may play with their new toys outside or inside, but mothers will prepare Chstmas dinner in the kitchen.




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