
发布时间:2022-07-18 11:16:22 阅读:234 点赞:0




http://higheredmcgrawhillcom/sites//studentview0/chapter2/multipleechoicequizhtmlquestion2 Pblem: the pollutants that cse the hole in the ozone layer are carbon dioxide, sulf dioxide, carbon monoxide and chlofluocarbons. Answer: 4 question 3: one of the best ways to deal with non biodegradable waste is incineration, dumping, bying and recycling. Answer: 4 question 4: animal mane is a kind of biodegradable and non biodegradable harmful poison question: 1 question 5: which of the following is biodegradable in nail plastic cup belt silver foil answer: 3 question 6: which of the following is non biodegradable animal bone iliac nylon tea wool answer: 2 question 7: name a non biodegradable waste that may be contaminated, such as If not handled pperly, the earth will reach a dangeus toxic ll, ddt-cfc radioactive mateal PANAnswer:3 Question 8: which of the following is the most pesticide contaminated lake? Little fish? Animals under the micscope? Big fish? Waterfowl? Answer: 4 question 9: name the substance CFC pan DDT PAC that accumulates in pelicans of Lake Michi that cses their eggs to form thin shells.

Answer: 3. Name harmful pcess chemicals that enter the food chain and are concentrated at all lls of the food chain. Answer: 2.


http://higheredmcgrawhillcom/sites//studentview0/chapter2/multipleechoicequizhtmlquestion2问题:造成臭氧层空洞污染物是二氧化碳、二氧化硫、一氧化碳和氟氯化碳。答案:4问题3:处理不可生物降解最佳方法之一是、倾倒、和回收利用。答案:4问题4:动物就是可生物降解不可生物降解有害毒物问题:1问题5:以下哪一项是可生物降解铁钉塑料杯皮带银箔纸答案:3问题6问题:以下哪一项是不可生物降解动物骨骼尼龙茶叶羊毛回答:2问题7:说出一种可能污染非生物降解如果处理不当,地球将达到危险毒水平,DDT-CFC放物质PANAnswer:3问题8问题:在一个被杀虫剂污染湖泊中,以下哪一项含有杀虫剂最多?小鱼?显微镜下动物?大鱼?水鸟?答案:4问题9:说出在密歇根湖鹈鹕体内积累导致其形成薄壳物质CFC PAN DDT PAC答案:3问题:说出有害过程化学物质进入食物链并在食物链各个层次上得到浓缩生物放大膨胀污染答案:2。


I think we can catch up with the dloped countes in the near fute. The person who can do this job will make him independent of his parents. Becse this question is difficult to answer, he replied that it was a mistake.

He wanted to know who did it. I want to ask the kid in the bucket.




What's the matter, Peter) C before me, I couldn't find my wallet. George Bush) C nr heard of me looking at the sea like a window of a om) d her birthday was on Monday in September) if I had last Sunday, I would have come to see you) a was already last weekend, we had 18 classes) b) b) his bther was in the army five years ago,) C he was not Bill Smith) Btish, Bill Smith is Btish, I will continue to work next week) C until the bus stop is a super manufacter) d) come acss and sit with me) when you come back fm Japan, yo son will graduate fm high school) C will graduate soon, others will do it) leave is to leave = leave this book is not so difficult, that one) No.




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