
发布时间:2022-07-23 10:13:01 阅读:124 点赞:0




education starts at home. My name is meemee. I'm 18 years old.

I'm the oldest child in my family. Since preschool, I've learned a lot about fm my parents. They try to answer all the questions in a natal way.

They start talking when they have the opportunity. They respect my feelings and pvide personal guidance. They use the ght terminolo when they explain physiolo They used pictes, books, etc.

to supplement oral explanations of their health attitudes, attitudes towards and their real answers to , which ed me gw in many ways: accepting myself and my gender les, dloping self-confidence, being able to deal with my ual desires and feelings, and building a positive and healthy relationship with the opposite . In short, education is part of raising children as a whole.




① ② (3) my education I started pmary school when I was six years old. My pmary school is very close to my home. There is a lunch break fm 8:00 a.m.

to 4:30 p.m. ① fm 12:00 to 2:00 p.m., I often go home for lunch. Some children are the same as I used to.

When I was in pmary school, I played table tennis on the playgund before the next afternoon class. When I was 12 years old, I learned to read, Wting and mathemati, I took the entrance examination for junior high school. When I heard that I was there, I succesully passed the exam.

I felt very wored that in junior high school, I had studied Chinese, mathemati, history, geography and English. My favote subject was history. The history teacher is very kind.

When I was 15 years old, I often told us interesting stoes. When I was waiting for my grades, I took the entrance examination of high school. When I passed this class, I felt very wored again.

When I passed the exam, I got my first bike. I went to school by bike ry morning after high school. I worked very hard.

For example, I did three hos of work ry night In high school, not only are weekends very hard, but I can also have time to play football and table tennis.


① ②③我教育我xx岁时开始上小学我小学离我家很近学校从早上八点开始到下午四点半结束有一个午休时间①从十二点到两点,我经常回家吃午饭,有些孩子和我以前一样在我上小学时候,下午课开始之前,我一起在场上打乒乓球,xx岁时我学会了阅读,写作和简单数学,我参加了初中入学考试。当我听说我在时候,我成地通过了考试,我感到很担心初中时,我学过语文、数学、历史、地理和英语我最喜欢科目是历史。历史老师很和蔼,xx岁时常给我们讲有趣故事,我在等成绩时候参加了高中入学考试,当我通过这门课时,我再次感到非常担心考试时,我得到了我第一辆自行车,我上高中后每天早上都要骑自行车去上学,我非常努力,例如,我每天晚上做三个小时作业,高中不仅周末很辛苦,我还可以有时间去足球和打乒乓球①午休时间[l)ntM breik]②参加入学考试③周期[saikl]v./move]。


education starts at home. My name is meemee. I'm 18 years old.

I'm the biggest one in my family. Since preschool, I've learned a lot about fm my parents. They try to answer all the questions in a natal way.

When they have the opportunity, they start to discuss how they respect my feelings and pvide personal guidance. They use the ght terminolo when explaining physiolo. They use pictes, pictes, pictes Books, etc.

to supplement oral explanation of their healthy attitude towards and their real answers to have ed me gw in many ways: accepting my own and my gender les, cultivating self-confidence, and being able to deal with my own ual desire and feelings, and establishing a positive and healthy relationship with the opposite , education is an integral part of children's gwth.




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