
发布时间:2022-06-24 12:07:53 阅读:317 点赞:0


关于”表达感谢招待题目“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Thank you for yo hospitality。以下是关于表达感谢招待题目考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Thank you for yo hospitality

Deere Shan, I'm wting to tell you that I had a good time in Chicago. Everything is perfect. Of cose you know how to make guests feel at home.

Yo delicious food is a kind of entertainment. Yo flexibility in adapting to my irregular schedule makes many things possible. I hope you and Peter know how much I appreciate yo hospitality and the many kindness you have shown me.

I feel very lucky to have o such geneus and charming fends. Thank you again and best wishes. I'm sorry, becse I have a headache for sral days.

This is my first time living in Chongqing. I can't adapt to the weather, so I didn't attend yo class on time. To be honest, I like learning English very much.

I have made up my mind to learn both spoken and wtten English well. I think you will be my best teacher to me impve my English ll, so I apologize again for not attending yo class, I will make great efforts in the fute English learning, will not let you down excuse me, my unintentional mistake, dear, Xin.





Dear, I received yo letter a few days ago. I must admit that I have completely forgotten this obligation. Needless to say, there is no excuse for this.

I would like to extend my sincerest apolo to you and enclose a check. Please accept o warmest greetings and sincere hope. Everything is all ght.

Of cose, we look forward to meeting you in the near fute. Thank you again for yo kindness to o son ding the holiday I beli b has enjoyed and will continue to enjoy yo son's fendship.




Part a states that you have just retned fm Canada and found a music CD in yo luggage. You forgot to wte a letter to yo landlord, Bob, to apologize to him and ppose solutions. You should wte down yo own name on the answer sheet.

Don't si yo name at the end of the letter. Don't wte an address. Dear Bob, I arved in Shanghai yesterday.

I want to express my sincere hospitality to you thank. I'm sorry that I forgot to retn the music CD you lent me last month. I decided to send it back as soon as possible.

This is another CD of traditional Chinese music. I hope it can be given to you as a gift. You will like it.

I hope I haven't csed you too much tuble. Thank you again for yo ding my stay in Canada. Please tell me that if you come to China one day, I can be yo guide My sincere regards to yo Li Ming.




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