
发布时间:2022-07-03 11:21:31 阅读:128 点赞:0




A real gift of love. I can see my child. The happy new mother holds the package, she moves the folded cloth to look at his all face.

She gasps. The doctor quickly tns nd and looks out of the high hospital window. When the baby is born, he doesn't hear any sound, which pves that the baby's heang is perfect, but his appearance.

One day, he rushes home fm school and pos into his mother's arms She sighed and knew that his life would be a sees of heartbreaks. She blted out the tragedy. A boy, a big boy, called me a freak.

He grew up. His handsome miortune was the favote of his clasates. He may be the monitor.

But he cultivated a talent, a literary and musical talent. But you can mix with other young people. His mother scolded him, but she was in her heart I beli I can transplant a pair of external ears.

If I can get them, the doctor decides to start looking for someone who is willing to make such a sacfice for a young Mantis. Two years later, one day, his father said to his son, "you are going to the hospital. My son and mother and I will donate the ears you need.

But this is a secret operation. It is very succesul. A new man stands out.

His talent blooms into a genius. The school and University become a sees of tumphant winners. After he got mared, he entered the forei affairs department.

One day, he asked his father, who gave me I don't beli you can say father, but the agreement is that you don't know. Yes, these years have been keeping their pfound secrets, but this day really came to a son's darkest day. He stood with his father on his mother's coffin.

Slowly and gently, the father held out a hand and raised his thick reddish bwn hair, raling that his mother had no outer ears. She said that she was glad that she had nr let her hair be whispered by her father. No one thought that the mother was not so betiful.

Did their bety lie not in the appearance, but in the heart. The real wealth was not in the visible, but in the invisible. True love is not what you do and know, but what you do and don't know.





A long time ago, a mantis ted to stop a carage. A coachman was dving his carage. When a mantis jumped out of the fnt of the carage and raised its fnt legs, it ted to block its way.

The coachman thinks it's diculous. Then he goes forward. It's easy to imagine that the stupid but brave mantis is is now crushed by the lling wheel.

This idiom means overestimating his ability and doing things that he can't do as he wants. The result can only be faile.




Sun Tzu said: in the actual art of war, the best way is to ash and desty the enemy's country completely and completely, which is not very good. Therefore, it is better to recover a regiment, a detachment and a company than to desty them. Therefore, to win in all battles is by no means the best thing.

The supreme form of generali is to stop the enemy's plans The worst policy is to besiege the city wall. The rule is, if it can be avoided, don't besiege the city wall. It takes three months to prepare mantis, living quarters and vaous tools of war.

It takes three months to build a pile of Earth against the wall. The general can't contl himself If you are angry, you will attack like a swarm of ants. As a result, one third of the people will be killed.

Although the city has not been bken, the disastus consequences of besieged cities are like this. Therefore, a skilled leader subdues the enemy's army without any fighting, occupies their cities without encircling them, overthws their kingdom without long-term action on the battlefield, while his army is intact. He will challenge the contl of the Empire, and in this way, without losing one person, he will sely win The law of war is that o forces are ten to one and five to one to encircle the enemy and double o forces to attack him.

If the forces are equal, o army will be divided into o parts. If the forces are not equal, we can avoid the enemy. Therefore, we can escape the enemy, although the tenacious battle may be cared out by a all force But in the end, they must be capted by greater forces.

Now the general is the fortress of a country. If the fortress is complete in all aspects, then the country will be stng. If the fortress is defective, a ruler can bng miortune to his army in three ways: commanding the army to advance or retreat without knowing that he can't obey this fact.

This is called dragging down the army.




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