
发布时间:2022-10-10 08:13:04 阅读:415 点赞:0


关于”有关文化差异“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:About cultal differences。以下是关于有关文化差异专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About cultal differences

Reassesent of job satiaction: Sue Pearson (intduction by PR department) the ppose of this report is to use Workset colors to assess the accacy of my job descption as a PR person and to make some suggestions for changes. It is clear that there is a difference beeen the way companies view work and what I perceive as reality. First of all, some areas that require a lot of my time are not mentioned in the formal job befing.

The most worrying part of the pie chart is the pink part, which has something to do with many of the meetings I have attended, and I have hardly contbuted. Another important area refers to the grey section. As can be seen fm the pie chart, I spend too much time sorting out comr pblems.

I feel that these activities are hindeng my core work. I have been actively working less than expected to achi the goals agreed with the line . The above differences clearly indicate that my crent work befing is not accate, and I suggest that I do The formal job bef should be updated using the working set color.

Consider the pportion of non core colors in the pie chart and investigate whether work in these areas can be done by someone else who is suitable for these tasks.


重新评估工作满意度:Sue Pearson(公关部介绍报告旨在使用工作集颜来评估我作为公关人员工作描述准确,并提出一些改变建议。很明显,公司看待工作方式与我所感知现实之间存在差异首先,一些需要我大量时间领域没有在正式工作简报中提及。饼图上最令人担忧部分是粉红部分,这与我参加许多会议有关,我几乎没有贡献。



The ppose of this report is to use team colors to evaluate the accacy of my job descption as a pfessional, and to ppose some changes. The results are obvious. The company's view of the work is different fm the reality.

I felt fm the beginning that the official job befing section on the pie chart did not When it comes to some areas that require a lot of my time, the most noteworthy part of this part is the pink part, which is related to the many meetings I attend, and I have hardly contbuted. The other important area is the gray part, which refers to the time I spend on sorting out comr pblems. I feel that these activities hinder my core work.

As can be seen fm the chart, I have made great efforts to achi the goal of achieving the goal The above differences clearly indicate that my crent job bef is not accate. I suggest that I update my formal work bef using the working set color. Consider the pportion of non core colors in the pie chart and investigate whether work in these areas can be performed by someone else who is suitable for these tasks.




The ppose of this report is to use team colors to evaluate the accacy of my job descption as a pfessional, and to ppose some changes. The results are obvious. The company's view of the work is different fm the reality.

I felt fm the beginning that the official job befing section on the pie chart did not When it comes to some areas that require a lot of my time, the most noteworthy part of this part is the pink part, which is related to the many meetings I attend, and I have hardly contbuted. The other important area is the gray part, which refers to the time I spend on sorting out comr pblems. I feel that these activities hinder my core work.

As can be seen fm the chart, I have made great efforts to achi the goal of achieving the goal The above differences clearly indicate that my crent job bef is not accate. I suggest that I update my formal work bef using the working set color. Consider the pportion of non core colors in the pie chart and investigate whether work in these areas can be performed by someone else who is suitable for these tasks.




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