
发布时间:2022-03-21 10:51:14 阅读:267 点赞:0




An old woman lived in a village. She collected a portion of beans and wanted to cook them. So she made a fire in the fireplace to make it bn faster.

As she poed beans into the pot, she iited it with a handful of straw. One of the beans fell to the gund. Soon after, a piece of bning coal jumped out of the fireplace and landed beside them.

Straw said, "dear fend, where are you fm?" The coal replied, "I jumped down fm the fireplace. For my good luck, if I didn't force myself to leave, I would sely die. I would be bned to ashes," said the bean.

"If the old woman put me in the pot, I could also keep my skin. I would be as mercilessly cooked as my comrades." would my fate be better The straw said, "the old woman bned all my hers. She cght 60 of them and killed them.

Fortunately, I slipped out of her fingers." what should we do "Ask coal," becse we svived, the bean replied, "I think we should unite as comrades to prnt new miortunes fm coming to us. Let's go to another land together." The pposal made the other o very happy. They set out together and soon came to a stream, becse there was neither a bdge nor a walkway.

They didn't know how to css the bdge. So the straw came up with a good idea and said, "I'll lie on the bdge. You can css me like you are on the bdge." So the straw stretched himself fm one end to the other.

Coal was a hot tempered fellow. He walked bskly onto the new bdge. But when he got to the middle of the bdge and heard the water coming fm under him, he was startled and stopped.

He did not dare to go any fther. The straw cght fire, bke in o and fell into the stream. The coal fell behind him.

He hissed when he fell into the water. He gave up the . Xiaodou had been careful to stay on the bank.

He kept lghing. He was lghing very hard. Now he was going to die.

But fortunately, there was a wandeng tailor. He took out a needle and thread and sewed the beans together. Bean is very grateful to him, becse he used black line, since then all beans have a black line.






Wind and sun) one day, the wind said to the sun, look at the man walking on the ad, I can take off his cloak faster than you can. We will see about the sun. I will let you try first.

So the wind tes to make the man take off his cloak, he blows and blows, but the man just pulls his cloak closer. I give up the wind and says I can't take off his cloak, and then the sun Try to on him as much as he can. The man soon became hot and took off his cloak.

Newspaper is of great value now. Everyone should read it. It pvides us with all kinds of news ry day.

It tells us that if we form the habit of reading newspapers in the political situation of the world, we will acquire enough knowledge to cope with os Daily life although my daily life is very monotonous, I try to adapt myself to it. Why? Becse I want to be a good student. I want to serve my country.

I get up at six ry morning, wash my face and brush my teeth. I start to review my lessons. I go to school at sn o'clock.

After school, I go home. We usually have dinner at sn o'clock. Then I start to do my homework.

I want to finish one before I go to bed Do you mind being called a bad student? Of cose, as far as I know, ryone wants to be a model student. It is not easy to be a model student. First of all, he must try his best to oain knowledge.

Secondly, the person who lacks knowledge will not succeed. Secondly, he must remember that to impve his health ll, only stng people can accomplish great tasks. Thirdly, if he wants to impve his health, he can accomplish great tasks If you want to know how to get happiness, life will be empty and meaningless.

You must pay attention to the following o points: health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness, only stng people can enjoy the fast life) Happiness lies in contentment. A person who is dissatiied with the present situation is always in tuble.




A shoemaker was singing fm morning till night. It's wonderful to hear him sing. He was content in scester.

He was any of the sn sajish neighbors, lling in affluent places, but rarely sleeping. She was a bank boss. When he occasionally dozed off at dawn, the shoemaker woke him up with his song.

The banker complained sadly that God did not make sleep a commodity food or dnk for sale. Finally he sent for the song. He said to him how much money do you make a year, gregory? He said, the happy shoemaker said with a ile that I have been here Living fm day to day, somehow, I mad to achi my goal, year after year, with good food ry day, so how much money do you make a day, my fends, sometimes less, but the worst of all, without this, o income will be considerable.

Ding this year, we were forbidden to work. The cator and the mar kept adding new saints to the list. The bank simply said, "in the fute, I will put you on a safe position, carefully keep them and use them when necessary.".

The shoemaker thought he had seen all the wealth the earth had d for in the past centy. He bied his money and happiness in the soil, and no longer lost his happiness. When he learned that it was the soce of so many sorws, he left his house, took care of others, and made a false alarm.

His eyes were tning in the direction of his trease all day long. At night, if a stray cat made a noise and the cat was bbing his things, the poor man would run away To his ch neighbor's house. My back says he and my voice, take yo one dred cwns.






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