
发布时间:2022-05-16 12:54:16 阅读:293 点赞:0




Topaz is a hard and transparent mineral. It is a compound of aluminum, silicon and fluone. Topaz is the most famous precious topaz, which is called "precious topaz" by precious jewelers.

The color range of gemstones ranges fm ch yellow to light bwn or pink. Topaz is one of the hardest gem minerals in the mineral hardness table. It has a grade, which means that the knife can't cut it, topaz will scratch quartz.

Precious topaz's gold vaety is very rare, most of the yellow in the world Jade is white or blue. Topaz and blue crystals are very large and usually weigh thousands of carats. Therefore, the value of topaz depends not so much on its size as on its size.

The value of diamonds and many other gemstones is like this. Every time you double the value of topaz, its value will increase by fo times. The value of topaz mainly depends on its quality, but the color is also important: Blue Topaz, for example, is often sold as aquamane, and vaous bwn quartz is widely sold as topaz.

This kind of quartz is much less than real Topaz and much cher than real topaz. Most of them are vaants of amethyst: heat has tned bwn note: Topaz /'t эээээээээээээээээээээээ.



这种石英比真正黄玉要少很多,而且比真正黄玉丰富得多。大多数都是紫水晶变种:热已经变成棕了注:黄玉/'tэupжz`topжz/n(a)[U]透明黄矿物(b)[C] 从这上面切下来半宝石。


Should we give money to beggars? We often see beggars in the street, in fnt of shops or railway stations. Their hands are dirty and their clothes are very old. They look very poor.

Should we give them money? I think most of them beg on the street not becse they are poor, but becse they are lazy, they want to make money easily, and people should live on their own.




Sardar JIS's wife, lying in the hospital bed and holding his hand affectionately, said, "jii would like you to get mared after my death and not be alone, but pmise me you won't keep my clothes for her to remind you of o golden days together. No, I won't let sardan know that, anyway, Kalpana is taller than you.


Sardar Jis妻子躺在病床上,深情地牵着他手她说,JiI希望你在我后结婚不要一个人闷闷不乐,但是答应我你不会把我衣服给她保管好让它们提醒你我们在一起黄金子不我不会让萨尔达林知道,无论如何卡尔帕纳比你高一头。


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