
发布时间:2022-06-10 10:25:26 阅读:139 点赞:0




There are many people learning English as a second language, there are many ways to impve oral English. I am an English learner myself. Fm expeence, I think that in order to impve one's spoken English, one should first read enough English, but reading alone is not enough.

He also needs to try to remember what he or she has absorbed, and the most important thing is to try to use what he or she meets in reading. Most people complain that they don't have the opportunity to use English, but remember that these opportunities may be d by himself. Why don't you try to use English to review yo dream or plan for the day when you wake up ry morning.




If you think you lose, you lose. If you think you dare not, you don't want to win, but you don't think you can win. If you think you lose, you lose.

We find that success begins with one's will. The battle in life is not always stng and quick, but the one who wins sooner or later is the one who thinks he can win,,.





Don't fwn, n when you are sad, becse you don't know who is falling in love with yo ile. I wake up in the morning for o reasons: my alarm clock and you: yo ile can light up the most dreary day. If you are alone, if you want to cry, you will be yo shadow.

If I can rearrange the alphabet, I will be yo shoulder. I put you and I together, without yo ry One day is like a book without pages. I find that you have been living in a corner of my heart, holding a nr expired voucher and becoming a permanent resident.

When you are with me, you are rything. When you are not, rything is you. The things I love in my life are the sun, the moon and you, the sun in the day, the moon at night, and you.

The most moving words are not that I love you or are together, but that I am here. When I am in this world, you may be a person, but for a person, you may be the world. I love you not becse of who you are, but becse I like it When I'm with you, don't cry becse it's over, ile becse it happened.

Don't try so hard. The best things always come when you least expect them to. It's nr too late to fall in love.




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