
发布时间:2022-07-31 09:18:15 阅读:501 点赞:0


关于”父和孩子“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Parents and children。以下是关于父和孩子四级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Parents and children

The breath of a mother is as sweet as a mother, like a dghter. Children are the wealth of their parents. A child is the swee and pest thing in the world.

He has no children and doesn't know what it is to love children. Before they can become stupid, they will learn to crawl. The boy will become a boy soon.

A boy saves sticks and spoils children than a dozen girls bechhttp://bloghjen Glishcom / hongweiweiweibeibei.




As vividly depicted in the cartoon, a young girl is with her mother. She sarcastically says, "good news, mom, I was admitted to the University of yo choice. Her mother iles and seems satiied with the result.

The cartoon aims to ral the fact that most modern parents play an increasingly negative le in the gwth of their children First of all, there are sral possible reasons. More and families have only one child. Therefore, parents often focus on their children and exert great presse.

Moreover, many parents intend to realize their unrealized dreams by letting their children learn what they have not learned, and apply it to the universities where they have not been admitted, as they become cher They beli that they are now capable of achieving what they want and want. For example, my uncle said that as a poor man, he dreamed of becoming a violinist one day. He became ch by selling coal, and then forced his son, my little bther, to practice violin.

My bther is a big sports fan, but now he has to do it ry day It is unreasonable for parents to contl their children's life in order to their children gw up happily and healthily. Parents should communicate with their children what they are really interested in. It is time for children to make their own choices.

Only in this way can children gw up in a happy envinment and realize their dreams.




Do you agree or disagree with today's statement that few people will defend children's tradition. If you look back on what happened in the past, you will be spsed at the stct and stct education of children. Therefore, the traditional spanking is a universal punishment for children.

When parents maintain their thoty, poor children will gw up again They can't recover fm the terble trma. Howr, as you know, the crent situation tends to go to extremes. Parents' confidence in their thoty has been greatly weakened.

When countless articles in magazines, newspapers and TV pgrams pmote child care, too many and too enthusiastic suggestions are flying aund aimlessly, and parents don't know what to do, They don't do anything fm childhood. Their children are the s of the family. Their parents' lives are adjusted according to the needs of their offspng.

When children gw up to be agers, they completely contl their lives. If young people want to have parties, for example, parents are asked to leave home, their existence will only desty the fun. What can poor parents do besides obey? In my opinion, a child needs love, and love a lot.

But the excessive indulgence of modern parents will certainly do harm than good. The spread of juvenile delinquency is largely due to parents' laxity. The mother belis that her baby can take care of herself and will not be at home after school.

Therefore, the line beeen Xiao Bao's loiteng on the street, conniving and neglecting his duty is really good.




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