
发布时间:2022-10-08 16:00:08 阅读:93 点赞:0


关于”求一篇描写母女情“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:For a descption of mother and dghter。以下是关于求一篇描写母女情小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:For a descption of mother and dghter

Tiresias was a blind pphet of Thebes. He was blind when he was young becse he accidentally found Athena. One day, while wandeng in the woods, he accidentally saw a serene girl bathing in a calm lake.

He had no idea that he had offended the virgin. He didn't know that he had offended the goddess, and she ced out angly that anyone who dared to peep at her naked body was doomed to be blind forr. But when she later learned it was unintentional, it was too late for her to take back what she had said.

She sympathized with the poor young man's loss of vision, and got an exception fm Zeus. Apollo gave him the chance to live a long life, and Apollo gave him a magical ability of pphecy. Howr, Apollo gave him amazing keen ears, so that he could hear all the birds.

She filled his heart with mysteous knowledge of the past and the fute. In short, she gave him a lot of her own wisdom. He was the first to recoize and welcome Dionysus' banquet and Dionysus on the land of ban.

When the baby Heracles cght Hera's o poisonous snakes, tisias cast the fate of the child and raled the sacred ogin and destiny of the child. When Oedipus insulted Delicia and thought that he had something to do with Laias's mother, he bravely told the truth. Oedipus was the mderer.

Even in the lower world, he continued to pphesy. There, when Odysseus asked Odysseus for advice, he ed him. Alivi, who was respected by all, enjoyed the geneus air and sy light of the hst land..









Niulang and Zhinu are separated by the tbulent Tianhe ver. They can only look at each other ry day. Zhinu can't n touch their children.

But one day, a acle happened. Suddenly, a lot of sand and a shovel appeared aund the cowboy. Niulang seemed to be trying to find a way.

He was very happy that he took action. After a few days of violent sky, the sediment in the galaxy was filled Niulang and Zhinu can meet fm now on. In order to live a normal life, Niulang and Zhinu are not angry with the Queen Mother Goddess, becse he knows why they are together.




My fend I have a fend, her name is Tsui Ke, she has o black eyes, her hair is not long, she is not tall or short, she is a teacher, she likes a lot of colors, such as white, pink, pple, blue, yellow and so on, she also likes pets, she has a lovely dog, its name is Jenny, has white hair, always iles at me, she likes reading and listening Music, sometimes we go to the park on Sunday and take a walk together. She is a happy girl. She likes me and I like her too.

We are all very happy.




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