
发布时间:2022-07-23 13:05:00 阅读:541 点赞:0




Meditate on the bom about Jonathan Swift's stick, which you see now in that neglected corner, which I once knew was full of sap, full of leaves, full of branches, in a lush forest, but now the busy art of man has tied that bundle of dead branches to it in vain, pretending to compete with nate, and it is nothing but now On its opposite side, a tree has tned upside down, branches on the gund, ots in the air, and now ry dirty girl is dealing with it and is destined to do her hard work. Moreover, due to a capcious fate, it is destined to clean up other things, and finally become dirty and be worn to pieces in . Among the m, it is either thwn out of the door or punished Make a fire for the last time.

When I saw this, I sighed and said to myself, "mortal must be a bom sent by nate. It is stng and vigous, and has a pspeus life. It is a pper branch of this reasoning vegetable, until the unscrupulous axe cuts off his green branch and leaves a dry trunk.

Then he flies to art In the art museum, I put on a wig and put myself on a bunch of unnatal hair, which is full of powder and nr grew on his head. But now o bom should pretend to enter the scene and be pud of bochen's booty that will nr be obnoxious. When sweeping the most betiful hostess's om, we should easily lgh at and Despise its vanity The judge of Fen thinks that we are o own virtues, while the shortcomings of others, you might say, the bom is the symbol of a tree, standing on its head, praying for what is man, not a supeor create, his animal, his reason, his head always on his heels, lying on the gund humbly, howr, despite all his flts, he has established himself as a man A universal reformer and abuser, a hater of resentment, bngs hidden corruption to the sun in ry nook and cranny of nate, and raises a great dust there.

No one before, shang deeply in the same pollution he pretended to wipe out in the last few days, was enslaved by women, and often the least worthwhile, just like his Like his bther Besson, he was either kicked out of the house or used to light a fire to keep others warm.




Ding the Second World War, North Afca was a major combat area. Ding the battle in the western desert, a Btish officer was looking for shelter when he noticed an apparently dverless Italian truck carefully opening the door. He jumped in, only to find the Italian dver in the car sleeping and calling his sick Italian.

He jammed a pistol In fnt of the man's chest, he whispered, "Aalto is in mano." swift obeyed, and the Italians politely corrected him. "Mani is in Alto." on another occasion, the commander of the German forces in North Afca, Elvin Rommel, lost his way and spent the night in the open air. It was not until dawn that he found himself spending the night in the company of the foth Indian.

Soon, he slipped away.




Samuel Taylor Coledge in Xanadu, kubla Khan) issued a solemn decree of the dome of joy: there, the sacred ver alph, runs thugh the caves that human beings cannot mease and flows to a sunless sea, so that ice five miles of fertile land is sunded by walls and towers, and there are winding streams in the garden, where a bning tree is in full bloom, and there are ancient forests, such as The hills are as old as the hills, sunded by the green trees and the sun, but, oh, the deep mantic gap, slanting down fm the green hills, thugh the cedar covengs, is a savage place, it is sacred and charming, like in a waning moon, hnted by a woman crying for her, fm this abyss, with the constant tmoil boiling, as if this dress tight The earth breathes, and a powerful fountain bsts forth: in its rapid half intermission, huge fraents leap like hail, or grains chafing under the flail of the thresher; among these dancing cks, it pos again and again to the sacred ver, five miles winding thugh the woods and valleys, the holy ver flowing, and then reaching the human being The cave of Fahrenheit sank into a dead sea in the noise: in this hustle and bustle, Kublai Khan heard the voice of distant ancestors predicting war, the shadow of happy dome floating in the middle of the wave, and the mixed sound could be heard fm fountain and cave. This is a acle of rare installation, a sunny ice cave, a girl with a dulcimer once I saw an Abyssinian girl, on her dulcimer, she played the song of Mount Abra, her symphony and songs, can I revive in my heart? I will build that dome in the sky with loud and long music. On that sunny dome, those ice caves, and all who hear will see them there.

Everyone should cry, watch out for his flashing eyes, his floating hair nd him three times, and close yo eyes with holy fear Yes, becse he fed with honey dew and drank the milk of heaven.


塞缪尔·泰勒·科尔里奇(Samuel Taylor Coledge)在上都,忽必烈(Kubla Khan)颁布了一项庄严欢乐穹顶法令:在那里,神圣河流阿尔法(Alph)穿过人类无法测量洞,一直流到一片没有阳光大海,于是两倍五英里肥沃土地被围成了围墙和塔楼,花园里有蜿蜒溪流,在那里,一棵燃烧树盛开着,这里有着古老森林,像山丘一样古老,环绕着绿树成荫阳光,但是,哦,那深深浪漫鸿沟,从青山上斜下,穿过雪松覆盖物,这是一个野蛮地方,它是神圣而迷人,就像在一残月下,被一个为她哭泣所萦绕,从这个深渊里,随着不停动沸腾,仿佛这个穿着紧身裤地球在呼吸,一个强大泉瞬间被冲出:在它快速半间歇中,巨大碎片像反弹冰雹一样跳跃,或者在脱粒机连枷下摩擦着谷粒;在这些跳舞岩石中,它一次又一次地涌向神圣河流五英里蜿蜒曲折,穿过树林和山谷,圣河流过,到达人类无法测量洞,在喧嚣中沉入一片气沉沉海洋:在这喧嚣中,忽必烈听到了遥远祖先预言战争声音,快乐圆顶影子飘荡在海浪中途,从泉和洞里可以听到混合声音,这是一个罕见装置奇迹,一个阳光明媚冰窟,一个拿着扬琴姑有一次,我看见了一个阿比西尼亚少女,在她扬琴上,她演奏着《阿伯拉山之歌》,她交响乐和歌曲,我能在我心中复活吗?她交响乐和歌声让我感到无比喜悦,我将用响亮而悠长音乐,在空中建造那个穹顶,在那个阳光明媚穹顶上,那些冰窟,以及所有听到人都会在那里看到它们,所有人都应该哭泣,当心他闪烁眼睛,他飘浮头发三次围绕着他,用神圣恐惧闭眼睛,因为他用蜜露喂养并喝了天堂牛奶。


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