
发布时间:2022-07-15 06:41:34 阅读:126 点赞:0




After Japan invaded the Philippines in December, the U.S. Army and its Philippine allies retreated to Bataan peninsula. After srendeng for six days in Apl, some Amecan and Philippine soldiers were forced to March than miles in the Philippine tpical jungle.

Before being loaded with freight trains and ready to be tranerred to pson camps, the psoners were depved of food and water ding the March and exposed to the sun for hos Lghing, they call this kind of torte "solar therapy". At the same time, they suffer fm high temperate and dehydration. Many psoners are infected with malaa or dysentery.

Exhsted psoners fall on the adside and are shot or beheaded on the spot. Only the psoners arve at their destination.




One day, when I got home, my father was sleeping in bed. I found some paints and brushes. I wte a big "King" on my father's face.

Oh, it was so cute. When my father woke up, I lghed, I was beaten and I was very nghty.




A matador was visiting his fends in a all town. One night, they had stayed in the bar too long to dve. They decided to walk home.

When they passed a farmer's field, a bull rushed at them. The wrestler grabbed the bull's horn, they ared and fell, and finally the bull jumped up and ran, "Wow," said the fend, "it was a pretty fierce fight." "yes," the wrestler replied, "if I didn't have the last dnk, I'd get that guy off the bike: Bull wrestler, fighter, charging V grab, V ar, V heap A bull wrestler was visiting his fends in a all town. One night, they stayed too long in the bar They decided to walk home when they wanted to dve.

④ when they went thugh a farmer's field, a bull. They were in a ang pile. It was my fight.

If I drank the last glass of wine, I would let that guy's bicycle ① be out of charge at ③. ⑤ fell down fm ⑥ quite No.


一个斗牛士在一个小镇拜访他朋友,一天晚上,他们在酒吧呆了太久,不想开车,他们决定步行回家,当他们穿过一个农民田地时,一头公牛冲他们冲了过来。摔跤手抓住公牛角,他们咆哮着倒下,最后公牛跳起来跑了,“哇,”朋友说,“那是一场相当激烈搏斗”“是,”摔跤手回答说,“如果我没有最后一杯酒,我会把那家伙从自行车上弄下来:公牛摔跤手搏斗者冲锋v抓斗v咆哮v heap n搏斗nexercise:①一个公牛摔跤手正在小镇拜访他朋友②有一天晚上他们在酒吧呆得太久了③ 想开车,他们决定步行回家④当他们穿过一个农民田地时,一头公牛他们⑤摔跤手抓住公牛角⑥他们在一个咆哮堆⑦那是我一场搏斗⑧如果我喝了最后一杯酒,我会让那家伙自行车①在②在③没有充电⑤由⑥倒下了⑦相当⑧没有。


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