
发布时间:2022-08-20 13:35:11 阅读:298 点赞:0




Therefore I charge you before God and the Lord Jesus Chst that he shall judge the living and the dead, and preach in his kingdom. At any time of the year, repve, rebuke, exhort, and teach with all patience and instruction, for then they will not ende the ghteous teaching, but will follow their own desires. Teachers with itchy ears will tn their ears away fm truth and tn to fables, but watch you ende suffeng in all things, do the work of a preacher, and fully pve yo , Becse I'm ready now, I'm close to leaving, I've had a good fight, I've done my way, and I've kept it.

Fm now on the Lord's ghteous judges will keep for me the cwn of ghteousness. In that day the ghteous judge of the Lord will be given to me, not only to me, but also to all who love his appearance. Come to me quickly, for Demas has forsaken me becse of his love for this world, and has left for Thessalonica, and for kireser, and galatianus, n to Dalmatia.

Only Luke is with me and bngs mark, becse he is good for my . Tychicus has sent to Ephesus the wooden tablets which I left to Caleb at Tas. When you come, bng books and books, especially the parchment that Alexander the copperith gave me.

The Lord will repay him as he has done, for he has greatly resisted o words. When I first answered, no one stood with me, but all the people forsaken me. I beseech God not to give it to them, though the Lord is with me, to strenen me, so that the things I will preach may be raled thugh me, so that all the Gentiles may hear me, and I will be saved fm the lion's mouth, and the Lord will deliver me fm all evil, and will preserve me to his kingdom of heaven for r and r.

Amen, greet becah, Aquila, and the family of enisiphus who live in Conth. But femoth is ill, and I am still in Meryton. You must work hard, before winter, that yubulu, Pvidence, Linus, Cldia, and all the bthers, the Lord Jesus Chst, are with you.

May grace be with you, Amen.






A joke once, a bat named Andy came home late, covered with blood. His fends and family asked him where the blood came fm and told him to do something he didn't want to tell them, but after a while, he said, "come with me, guys." and then they flew over a valley, acss a ver, and stopped in fnt of a stone. Andy asked, "did you see that tree?" his fends said, "yes," and Andy said, "I didn't See ".




Gmm and his grandson once had an old man whose eyes became blred and his ears dulled by the trembling of his knees. When he sat at the table, he could hardly hold the spoon and spnkle the bth on the tablecloth or let it flow out of his mouth. His son and his wife were disgusted by this, and the grandfather finally had to sit in the corner behind the stove.

They gave him a bowl of food, not n enough. He often looked at the table with tears in his eyes. His shaking hands couldn't hold the bowl, which fell to the gund and bke.

The young wife scolded him, but he said nothing but sighed. They bught him a wooden bowl for half a penny, and he had to take out food fm it. Once, when their fo-year-old grandson started collecting pieces of wood on the gund, they sat there.

"What are you doing there?" The father asked his father, "I'm a all slot," and the child replied, "for the sake of my father, when I was older, he and his wife looked at each other for a while, and soon be to cry. Then they took the grandfather to the table, and fm then on they always let him eat with them. If he really spilled a little bit, he would not say anything.






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