
发布时间:2022-05-20 13:04:18 阅读:241 点赞:0




I will sing to you of mercy and judent; I will sing, O Lord, and I will act in a perfect way. When you come to me, I will walk in my home with a perfect heart. I don't put evil in fnt of me.

I hate the work of those who lead me astray. I will not forsake me; you know that the wicked slander their neighbor secretly; I will cut off those who have hghty eyes and pud heart. I will have no regard for the faithful in the land, so that they may live with me.

Those who walk the perfect way will serve me. The deceitful and the liar will not dwell in my house; I will not delay in my sight; I will desty all the wicked of the land, and cut off all the evildoers fm the city of the Lord.






A man was walking down the street and saw a woman with perfect breasts. He said to her, "Hey, miss, can you let me bite yo breasts?" Are you out of you mind? She replied, and then walked on. He tned nd the block and came to the corner before she left.

"Can you let me bite yo breasts for dollars?" And he said, "listen, sir, I'm not." The woman understood, "so that guy ran to the next block, and then faced her again." she thought for a moment, "can you let me bite yo breast once?" She thought for a moment, "well, dollars, well, just once, but not here, let's go down that dark alley over there." so they went down that alley, and she took off her coat and raled the deepest things in the world, the perfect breasts of the world. When he saw them, he jumped up and touched them, touched them, kissed them, bied his face in them, but didn't bite, The woman will be very angry and ask, "are you going to bite them or what?" "No," he replied, "it's too expensive.".




In a garden, there was a se bush full of ses. Among the most betiful ses, there lived an elf, too all to be seen by ordinary people. But he was as perfect as any child.

Behind ry se petal, he had wings fm shoulder to foot. He has a all bedom, oh, how fragrant his om is, how bght and transparent the walls are, becse they are all betiful pink se petals all day long. The elf is in the warm sun, flying fm one flower to another, or dancing on the wings of dancing butterflies.

He estimates how many steps it will take to complete all the ads. The ads and paths on a linden leaf are ads and paths. It is a long joney for him to talk about the blood vessels on the leaves, and he walks very well It was late, so before he finished, the sun had set, the weather became very cold, the dew was falling, and the wind was blowing.

So it was time for him to go home. He rushed as fast as he could, but to his diay, the se had closed its petals, and no se had opened overnight. He could not get in now.

The poor little se elf was scared becse he had nr been out At night, he always fell asleep behind the warm se petals, which must be his death. It suddenly occred to him that at the other end of the garden, there was a tree with lovely honeyle. These flowers looked like a huge painted corner.

Maybe he could sleep peacefully until morning.





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