
发布时间:2022-07-14 09:14:01 阅读:131 点赞:0


关于”写一件食物“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Wte a piece of food。以下是关于写一件食物雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte a piece of food

The whole town belid that ramayer was a bad man and that his presence was a bad omen for ryone. The citizens belid that if a man saw ramayer's face the first thing in the morning, he would not get any food all day. Therefore, no one would like to confnt him in the morning.

Somehow, the matter was conveyed to King rajakshnadevley, who decided to the belief of the people he sent and asked him to spend a day with him. He wanted to see his face For the first thing in the morning, expeencing its consequences, he did so the next morning, and then the king went to hold his cot. When he finished his morning meeting, the king went to eat his food.

He found a dish specially prepared for him to desty flies. He immediately became disgusted with the food. When the dish was ready again, he did not eat it.

Becse of his early morning expeence, the king did not feel gry. Now the king thinks this Romea is an unlucky fellow, which is why I can't eat my food all day long. He correctly thinks that his appearance is a bad omen.

Such a person should be put to death for the benefit of my whole country. If he continues to svive, nothing good will happen to him. He immediately becomes disgusted with ramayer Then the king summoned his soldiers and ordered them to be bught to the scaffold in poor ramaya when he happened to see tiram ramaye tell him his miortune and ask him to him.

As ramayer stood on the scaffold, he whispered something in fnt of the king and asked him to repeat the same words in fnt of the king. As usual, the king came and asked ramayer to express his will. The last wish and ramayer said that my last wish is to make a request to all the people of the country, and I want to tell them that his Majesty's presence is ominous than mine.

It is generally belid that those who see my face in the morning have to give up all day's food, but those who see o king's face in the morning pve my point. The king immediately rescinds his order and gives rameyer enough reward to pve that seeing his face in the morning will pay off well. Therefore, tnerley can not only save lamea's life, but also can Let this unfortunate man get a good retn.






Today, I was reading a book. I saw a piece of news. I was shocked.

It simply said this sentence: bear gall extract is now used to pduce toothpaste. After reading it, I was shocked. Therefore, I typed the word "live bile" in Baidu.

Many posts raling the cruel bear gall extraction appeared in fnt of me. Netease and many forums posted on Tianya, And those bloody pictes, let me chilling descption, let me dumbfounded, this world at this time, I hope that we can ptect o animal fends for the Chinese new year, and prepare a lot of goods, of cose, o family is not idle, my grandmother went to Carrefo sports center to buy large things, mom and dad ready to eat People waiting for the sports center are all kinds of food. In a short peod of time, my hands are full of big bags of food.

But my grandmother is still there. When we rush shopping, we have to take less than one hand. She gave up the idea of shopping.

So we take the bus home today, and the harvest can be fruitful. Oh, tomorw's new year's Eve, she is looking forward to the years My mother took me to Carrefo super to buy things. It was really possible to pack things.

We all went crazy and bought a cheap thing. Tning nd, we went to the clothing area. One of my eyes saw that the clothes were shining.

So I immediately jumped into the ocean of clothes. For a while, I locked my target, and a long pink cotton padded jacket fitted me a bit, And my mother also like it very much. What I bought for me today is a big harvest.

I not only bought a lot of delicious food, but also bought new clothes. How happy I am.




(a a,an,thethis err is nothing,and the people,an,the this Every ten years, another + / sral + in eight years, there are sral books. The other Henry Smith is higher than any other student in his class. These, those, many, sral, many, many kinds, a few, all have one (good / big / good) quantity, one, one, one, o / + + one, another , this, that, each, each, any one, such a one, many, many students, many a student · > o, six, many, sral, sral, some, these, those, one (good / large / large) quantity, quantity, quantity, quantity, diversity, a sees, a lot, a pile A lot, a little bit, a pile, a piece, a piece All, many, many, one, one All, many, many, most, half, enough, the other third, no species.

And, together, but, like, not, except for · "half, the rest, most, all + s," or "no, can't, won't" (b (where, when.


(a a,an,thethis err is nothing,and the people,an,the this err,a/an•Everyearchry++每xx年一次••另一次+/几次+再过xx年,还有几书•其他亨利·史密斯比他班上任何一个学生都高•这些,那些,很多,好几个,很多,很多种,少数,都有,一个(好/大/好)数量,个,一个,一个/两个/多个++•一个,另一个,这个,那个,每个,每一个,任何一个,这样一个,很多很多学生很多一个学生•>两个,六个,很多,几个,几个,一些,这些,那些,一个(好/大/大)数量,数量,数量,数量,数量,多样,一系列,一大堆,一堆……很多,一点点,一堆,一件,一件……所有,很多,很多,一件,一件……所有,很多,很多,大部分,一半,足够,其他三分之一,没有种类。还有,和,一起,但是,像,而不是,除了•“一半,其余,大部分,所有+”,或者“不,不能,不会”(b(在哪里,什么时候。


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