
发布时间:2022-08-30 09:17:15 阅读:216 点赞:0




If it is not my responsibility to meet you in this life, let me always feel that I have missed yo sight. Let me not forget for a moment. Let me in my dream, when I am awake, when my days pass in the cwded in the world, and my hands are full of pfits ry day, let me take this sad pain, let me always feel that I have nothing to gain, let me Don't forget for a moment, let me in my dream, when I'm awake, when I'm sitting on the ad, tired and panting, when I put my bed in the dust, let me always feel that the long joney is still in fnt of me, let me not forget for a moment, let me in my dream, when I wake up, when my om is decorated, flute sound, lghter, let me I always feel like I didn't invite you to my house.

Let me not forget for a moment, let me in the dream and awake with this sad pain.




When a baby opened her eyes and the first ray of sunlight shone on her face, her life be with a cry, which was easy to hold her parents' hands, and she spent her happy childhood. The ad was wide and flat with the of her. She climbed a little bit.

When she looked up, she realized that the top of the mountain could not be seen clearly, and the hazy clouds were blocking her way, but she did not stop She continued her joney. Many stones fell on her face, leaving scars fm the inside to the outside, but she did not stop. She did not give up trying.

Her tight, warm and stng hands were released step by step. She looked at the distance alone, and the ad became steep and steep. The sky was not as fuzzy as before.

She hed up, but she tpped and fell. She lay on the gund, dejected and depressed, until she found the intoxicating fragrance of flowers, the of bells, and the alling sight on it. Although she fell down in pain, she stood up with confidence and continued her joney.

She knew there were many obstacles ahead, but she did not stop, she knew she would nr stop.




Oh, Captain, my captain, my captain, my captain, o terble joney is over. On the ship, rain or , the pze we want is to win. The harbor is nearby.

I hear the bell ng, and people are cheeng. O eyes follow the steady keel. The stern ship.

But oh heart of heart, heart of blood. On the deck, my captain is lying on the gund, fzen. My captain stands up and hears the bell se for you.

Flags flutter for you, bugles sound for you, bouquets and bbons sund the shore for you, they call them swaying masses, their eager faces in fnt of the captain's dear father yo arms are under yo head it's a dream on deck that you've fzen to death my captain didn't answer, his lips were pale, my father didn't feel my arm, he didn't have a pulse, There was no intention. The ship had anchored safely and reliably. Her voyage was over.

There was no terble joney. The victory ship came in with the goal of victory. Oh, the shore.

Ah, the bell rang. I walked on the deck with sad steps. My captain was lying there, cold and dead.





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