
发布时间:2022-05-27 16:03:48 阅读:200 点赞:0




BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC if the beards are all, the goat may preach that the lazy sheep thinks its wool is very heavy, you will catch any one who should not run with the rabbit and the hound tortoise wins. When the rabbit sleeps, first catch yo rabbit and then cook him. The fox is known by his brush that the fox first ells his own ell.

The fox may tn grey, but it will nr be good bechhttp://bloghjenglishcom/hongweiwe Iwei Becker.


BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC如果胡子都是,山羊可能会说教懒惰羊认为它羊毛很重,你会抓住任何一个都不应该和兔子一起跑和猎狗乌龟赢了兔子睡觉时候先抓住你兔子煮他狐狸被他刷子知道狐狸先闻到自己臭味狐狸可能会变灰,但永远不会好bechhttp://bloghjenglishcom/hongweiweiwei贝贝克。


One day, a cw found a piece of meat. She picked it up and flew to a tall tree. It was about to eat meat.

When a fox saw her, he came up and stood under the tree and said, "how betiful you are The cw was very happy to hear this. The fox said, "I can see yo betiful face, but I can't hear yo betiful voice. Why don't you sing a song? The cw be to sing, but when she opened her mouth, she dpped the meat and the fox picked it up immediately.




Take the skin fm the fox. In ancient times, there was a man who loved f clothes and exquisite food. He asked the fox to give him f, but the fox ran away.

He asked a sheep for meat, but the sheep also ran away. This idiom means that it is impossible to discuss with evil men how to pfit fm them.




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