
发布时间:2022-08-15 11:48:36 阅读:522 点赞:0




"What's that?" asked a guard, "it's just a snake. Let's kill it." his partner said that they took up their spears to kill the colorful snake. "Stop!" the voice of the command came and both of them were stunned.

When they saw that it was Sui Gong who told them to stop, "can't you see that it has been ht, poor thing?" as expected, they could see the snake The head has been injed The Duke kindly picked up the snake with his cane and took it to the ver. After a while, one of the sentes called the other and said, "Hey, the snake is back." "Yes, it has something in its mouth." "Can you see what it is?" "Take a pearl," the other soldiers heard the snake go straight on, and ran over. "See where it's going." they were told to get out of the way.

The snake went straight to the Duke's tent and threw the Pearl under his feet. " "That's very kind of you," said the Duke, "but I'm an official of the Empire and shouldn't accept gifts. You know," until the Duke picked up the Pearl and put it in his pocket, the snake didn't move.

"That night, the Duke dreamt that he had accidentally stepped on a snake. He woke up and looked at his feet to see if he had been bitten. It was just a dream, but he found another pearl sitting at his feet.

It was not the o betiful pearls in the dream. The Duke was a kind man. He really didn't want to get any reward for saving the snake.

But he had o pceless pearls that no one could retn. So he put them aside to remind people to treat all creates kindly. This story has spread all over the world, and many people realize that n the animals crawling on the gund chesh their life.

This story n makes some annoying people begin to think and gradually change their lifestyle. More and people have learned to love life and stop killing and torting Sui Gong. This is a better reward than pearl.






Sanjiang University definitely has a very negative aa, so the construction of the school is based on the eight diagrams. The students all wear amulets and things like that. Each floor has a bathom.

There are three stalls at the southwest end of the eight shaped building. The students are separated by wooden walls for only one night. A boy is allowed to use the bathom on the first floor while he is studying, while a boy is studying Suddenly he wanted to go to the bathom, but all the stalls in the men's om on the first floor were occupied.

He rushed to the bathom on the second floor and opened the door. He saw a woman with long hair in her clothes. White (I don't understand why all s dressed like this) sat on the wall of the stall in the middle and looked like she was swinging fm the ceiling.

The woman glanced at him and said, "what are you doing here? At first, the boy thought he had gone to the women's om and hed out, but later he found out that he didn't, and suddenly realized what he saw was afraid of death. He ran for his life.




There was a bottle beside a big stone. There was some water in the bottle. A cliff was hot and thirsty.

He went to the bottle and stood by it, but he couldn't dnk water. Becse the bottleneck was very long, he thought and thought about it. Then he flew away.

When he came back with a all stone in his mouth, he went to the fnt of the bottle and put the stone into the bottle. The water in the bottle se to its ll He was very happy to dnk water fm the steep neck.




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