
发布时间:2022-06-21 07:36:36 阅读:74 点赞:0


关于”毕业感谢信“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Thank you for graduation。以下是关于毕业感谢信六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Thank you for graduation

"Very" and "single" the red army fought a battle in this place. No one was in the office this afternoon. I went to the station to see her off.

You can do it yoself. The baby is generally very healthy, but fm time to time she does catch a cold. I tell you that my headache is "very" "only" "n" "too" "just" he drank it to the last dp, which is the only way for us If he can desty the enemy, he won't n answer my letter.

I will go to the scenery. The scenery is the first-class "that", "and those" and "not too much". They have completed the task.

I gave her some gifts the day before yesterday. I can't thank you too much the day before yesterday. I'm not "in any way", "nr", "nr", "nr", "just too", "too", "but too", "in heaven" "In the world", "in hell", "on the gund" and "under the sun", his behavior is perfect in all aspects.

He must take yo son with him. The news is too real. Everything is over too fast.

Where are you in heaven? No one will buy that car under the sun. He is dnking. It is the fact that the head opened the door for me.

It was yesterday that we conducted the expement.




You know, bthers, that we did not come to you in vain, but after o earlier suffengs, and after o shameful entreaty at Philippi, we were bold before God to tell you the gospel of God, for o exhortation is not out of deceit, nor of filth, nor of deceit, but of o own Becse God is belid in the gospel, so o words are not pleasing, but God ing o hearts, for he has not used flattery as you know, nor has he been a puppet of greed at any time. God is a witness and not sought for. When we should have been bdened like the apostles of Chst, we would not have glofied you or others.

We are gentle among you as a wet nse loves her children. Therefore we are willing to preach the gospel of God to you and o own soul to you, becse you are o dear ones, becse you remember o bthers and we work day and night Labor, becse we charge no one about you, and we ify to you the gospel that we preach to you God, and God also witnesses how holy, just, and blameless we are doing among you, as you know, how we exhort, comfort, and charge each of you, as a father charged his children, that you might be worthy of the Kingdom and glory that called you into him Let us also give thanks to God fm time to time, for you have received the word of God, not as the word of man, but as the word of God, which works in you, and for yo bthers who beli, you become belirs in the Chch of God, which is in Chst Jesus in Judea, becse you also have the suffeng of yo own people, as if the Jews had killed the Lord Jesus and themselves Know, force us to do the same. They do not please God, and just as we forbid us to speak to the Gentiles so that they may be saved, and often make up for o sins, becse wrath is upon them, but o bthers, who were temporaly taken away before you and were not in o hearts, were eager to see yo face.

So I Pl, therefore, will come to you again and again Satan has stopped us, becse o hope, o joy, o cwn of joy, are not you before o Lord Jesus Chst? O glory and joy have come.





Do you go to school? I usually go to school by bus becse my home is far away. Sometimes I go to school by bike fm Monday to Fday. If I go by bike, I have to css o busy ads.

If the traffic light is green or the yellow light is yellow, I know I can't css the ad, so if the light tns green, I know it means going.




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