
发布时间:2022-04-08 12:25:51 阅读:145 点赞:0




A picte can remind us of a past and today's past. I accidentally saw an award-winning photo of an English con. So I remembered that I was weang a betiful jacket and slacks, holding pzes and pzes, and standing on the podium with o other students, lghing happily, as if it was very natal, becse it was very difficult to do It's the second new concept English .

Compared with the first one, it's really difficult becse the number of players has increased to than 100, and they have expeence, but only the top three can get the first pze. Therefore, it is quite competitive. I have done a lot of preparation at home, participated in the recitation of o texts, and practiced countless times.

Although I was well prepared, it was still in the It's a thbbing heartbeat. The brain can't keep up with the time. It just depends on the mouth to say something.

The hands do the action performance there. Only when the last free time is given to answer questions can the brain think well. Maybe it was only in '85 that the first pze was just finally won and the second pze was won.

But later, I thought, there is no need to be nervous Let the score dp, I realized a truth: relax, let's play better, work hard to repay. Although this photo is a thing of the past, I also want to leave it, becse this photo not only reminds me of the past, but also makes me realize the truth in my heart.




In my bedom, there is a picte hanging on the wall. In the picte, my parents cheer for me and they ile happily. This is a very precious picte for me.

I won the basketball . My parents are pud of me ry time they see the picte. I tell myself to work hard and make my parents pud of me.




What will the city look like in the fute? No one knows for se that forecasting is a dangeus thing, but one thing is certain. They will gw bigger before they get aller in the fute. It will become very important to ptect the envinment, becse the earth's natal resoces are exhsted.

We will use a lot of recycled mateals, such as plastic, aluminum, steel, glass, wood and paper. We will reduce the waste of natal resoces, and we will also We have to rely on alternative soces of ener, such as solar and wind. All of this seems to be certain, but many things about fute ban life do not necessaly understand young people's views on the fute of ban life.

A teacher at a university in Texas, his students thought about how they would ma a densely populated city in the year. Here are some of their ideas: garbage boats to solve the garbage pblem, cities will load garbage onto giant ships and send them to the sun to prnt landfill and envinmental pblems: Batman cyber police will use nets instead of guns to arrest cminals: forget that oking is not allowed in the city of the fute. Smoking can only be done outside the city and outdoors: forget it In the fute, all shopping in the shopping center will be online, and the catalog will have voice commands to place orders: ryone's phone number will be given at birth, no matter where they live.




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