
发布时间:2022-07-05 10:40:32 阅读:376 点赞:0


关于”健康对我们影响“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The impact of healthy China on us。以下是关于健康对我们影响托福英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The impact of healthy China on us

China is the world's second largest economy after the United States and the world's fas-gwing major economy. China is the world's largest commodity exporter and second-largest importer. Its economy and people's health are affected by seous ecological damage and seous envinmental pblems.

Worldwide, the unprecedented gwth of domestic and industal waste, the loss of biodiversity, and the deforestation of rainforests have occred Deforestation and overfishing, China's air pollution ll has made a siificant contbution to the negative impact of climate change. On the one hand, China's interests are divided and (at present) irreconcilable. China's dlopment goals undouedly require the use of existing natal and human resoces to support industal gwth.

Rapid gwth and corresponding ener demand have bught wealth and pspety to China, and damage to human health and agcultal output has pduced negative effects on the country's GDP and dlopment capacity influence.




The impact of the financial csis on China although China's financial institutions and some enterpses hold some U.S. financial institutions, bonds or assets, but the scale is not large. These financial institutions are joint ventes and investment pjects in China.

This situation may have a certain impact on China's business, but in general, the impact can be contlled by the U.S. financial csis on investment, consumption and employment The impact of income, such as the bankruptcy of Lehman, some employees will lose their jobs, people will lose their jobs in the dimensionless loan csis, and their consumption and investment will decline, which will reduce the import fm China and increase the depreciation rate of the US dollar against the US dollar. The desiated pce of pducts will make many of o imported pducts pced in US dollars, while imports will increase a lot of costs, which will affect the pduction costs of Chinese enterpses.

Factory pducts will definitely increase China's forei exchange reserves. Financial institutions, Amecan investment companies, mainly bond investment financial institutions. Once the United States goes bankrupt, the value of its bonds and other investment pducts will be greatly exposed If these companies sell a large number of assets in China and a large amount of capital flows out of the departments, it will have an impact on China's forei investment in the short term.

In addition, the forei exchange has a greater impact on the psycholo of investors. Although China has contl over forei direct investment into the financial , but This kind of psycholo is inseparable conduction. In the nt of credit csis, the performance of export companies and companies pviding s for export will be affected, which indirectly affects local fiscal rnue and employment.

For example, GDP of Zhejiang and Guangdong has declined rapidly.




The impact of tobacco on health is siificant, which depends on the way tobacco is used (oking, not oking or chewing) and the main impact of oking on health. The World Health Orization estimates that oking increases the sk of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease in dloped countes. The cses of death in men and women are similar.

The Centers for Disease Contl and prntion in the United States descbes the use of tobacco as "on the se" Smoking is the single most important prntable sk to human health and an important cse of premate death worldwide. In dloped countes, oking rates are flat or declining, while in dloping countes, oking rates continue to se in dloping countes. In the dloping world, the oking rate of s in the United States has dpped by half fm to, and tobacco consumption is increasing ry year.




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