
发布时间:2022-08-09 16:09:16 阅读:157 点赞:0


关于”读你“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Read you。以下是关于读你托福英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Read you

I heard that you are addicted to playing comr s and often quarrel with yo parents. If I were you, I think I would say sorry to my parents first, then try to shorten the time of playing s and try to do something instead of playing s. For example, you can read books you like or yo mother do housework.

You'd better try to form good habits. You will soon give up comr s.




When you see a child fall into the ver, but you can't swim, you rush out to a noisy place, you want to tell others what happened, but no one listens to you and you wait for the child's death becse you are too shy. No, you have to shout out: ryone listen to mexor, confidence and coage can save a person's life or than one or n many You can't wait to be happy, for fear that no one will listen to you, becse they think you have nothing seous to do and are in charge of yo own affairs. In their opinion, something important than you, you must think nothing but cry.

Some people will know what happened. Not only when you encounter some dangeus things, but also when you want ryone to know yo advantages, you must shout Listen to me, ryone. In that case, someone will notice you.

Becse of yo coage, you will quickly.




Since you were bught into this world, you didn't speak until the first o years on earth. The inner voice is the voice that you interpret and understand things. The inner voice is the mouth of the subconscious.

The subconscious always acts as its second r. The thoughts and thoughts in the body. When we violate the inner voice, we will have a sense of guilt, and we will be tubled by it all o life.

Sometimes we are in a low mood, or in those unforgettable disappointments, we seem to need some kind of emotional or spitual support We usually talk to o closest fends or dearest family members in times of distress to lighten the bden. At this time, we overcome the initial emotional anxiety and mental uneasiness, becse of the encoagement of o empathy listeners, we suddenly feel a new inner voice reminding us to deal with things and leave the past in o brain's memory book. Most of the time, the inner voice is ght, becse it knows us better than others, and n better than oselves.

It's a timid kid we've had intuitions since childhood, and it's good to act on intuition most of the time, becse it's the response pvided by the synchny beeen o mind and body, whenr you try yo first cigarette, or whenr you're asked to stand aside in an argument, you're always in a dilemma, and at these times, yo inner voice It tomatically concludes that when you wte too much, it may leave us unhappy in the fute, depending on whether we iore o inner spitual booster or go out and find spitual mentors and happiness when all these things are in o hearts.





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