
发布时间:2022-08-16 15:32:36 阅读:334 点赞:0




Note: in this section, you can spend a few minutes wting an article about my views on the exam. You should wte at least a few words based on the outline below. In most universities, examination is the main means to determine whether a student can a cose.

Although a specific subject is very efficient, its side effects are also great. The examination reduces the teaching standard, becse teachers often judge according to the examination results, they are reduced to the training of students' examination skills. No subject is tght succesully just for the sake of examination Yes.

In addition, one of the worst ways to mease students' learning performance is that they are forced to think creatively, not to think creatively. In fact, few of us admit that examinations play a very important le in students' academic dlopment. If so, why can't we make a change and desi something effective and reliable than an exam.





Note: in this section, you can spend a few minutes to wte an article about my views on the examination. You should wte at least a few words and wte a composition according to the following outline: in most universities, examination is the main means to determine whether a student is succesul in masteng a certain knowledge. Although it is very efficient, its side effects are also huge It reduces the teaching standard, becse teachers are often judged by examination results.

They are reduced to the training of students' examination skills. No subject is tght succesully just for the sake of examination. In addition, the worst effect is that examinations encoage bad learning habits, becse scores are the only mease of a student's academic performance, and a student is dven to memoze mechanically rather than think creatively.

In fact, few of us admit that examinations play a very important le in students' academic dlopment. If so, why can't we make a change and desi something effective and reliable than an exam.





In most universities, examination is the main means to decide whether a student can a certain subject succesully or not. Although the efficiency of the examination is very high, its side effects are also great. The examination reduces the standard of teaching, becse teachers often judge according to the examination results.

They are simplified to train students' examination skills. No subject can pass the examination only intentionally And succesully tght. In addition, the worst consequence is that examinations encoage bad learning habits, which are the only mease of students' academic performance.

A student is forced to memoze mechanically rather than think creatively. In fact, few of us admit that examinations can make a real and important contbution to students' academic dlopment. Why can't we make changes and desi something effective and reliable than examinations.




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