
发布时间:2022-03-22 11:37:45 阅读:113 点赞:0




First, water saving tips: toys are suitable for children's intimate partners, but some toys (such as water spray guns) need water, which is not recommended. Especially in water shortage areas, they should not be used. Some nghty young people carry water and fight with each other under the water, and the water is scattered.

They are very happy and dangeus. They clean up the wet gund. In the past, pedestans were scared and a lot of water was wasted On the poor tableware at home, the best tableware should first remove the oil with paper, then wash it with hot water, and finally use warm water or cold tap water for the second time.

Take a bath to save water: take a shower nozzle: adjust the temperate, learn not to boil water fm head to foot, and try not to open it before getting wet fm head to foot. Put soap on the whole body. Don't wash yo hair and upper body separately in the last running water The lower body and feet should concentrate on taking a bath.

Seize the time. Don't restrain being washed or chatting. Don't quarrel with a good fend in the bathom.

Time is water. Don't take advantage of the opportunity to "soak" clothes and shoes in the bathtub. Pay attention to: do not over water.

The pot is one-third full. Water saving toilet: if you think the toilet tank is too large, you can use one The bck is filled with water or a large dnk bottle to reduce the amount of water to be flushed each time. It should be noted that the water tank on the bck or dnk bottle has the grea impact on the leakage of the local movable water tank.

The rubber sealing is looser than the water filling. After the water enters, the rubber sealing is not tight, the water supply is not ooth, and the water inlet pipe is not stopped. When collecting domestic sewage to flush the toilet, one piece of water can be used No matter the size and thickness of the garbage, the garbage passage should be removed instead of flushing fm the toilet.




Fm the pictes, we know that pollution is the most important pblem in the world today. There are too many ways to cse adverse effects on o envinment. The most seous way is liquid waste fm factoes.

We know that the government has taken some meases to phibit it, such as enacting a law, excessive use of water will make o earth. So today, o topic is how to ma and ma Ptection of water resoces.




Water is very important to human beings, but now many vers and lakes are polluted. What should we do? We can do this: first, we must ptect factoes fm dumping waste water into vers; second, we should prnt people fm thwing garbage into vers. Many kinds of garbage can pollute the envinment.

Finally, we can tell you how much water is after tousts have done these things Yes, I think the water will become clearer sooner or later.




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