
发布时间:2022-07-02 08:20:08 阅读:275 点赞:0




(Figa's marage with Mozart, the Austan composer, is the most typical of classical music composers. Haydn, Beethoven and Vienna are the representatives of the three classical music composers. In January, Wolfg Amadis Mozart was born in Salzbg.

He was a cot musician in Austa. Under the guidance of his father's music learning, he rarely showed high musical talent Under the leadership of his parents, Mozart, 6, and his sister Anna, 1, be toung the whole Eupean continent to perform. They went to Munich, Frankft, Bonn, Vienna, Pas, London, Milan, Boloa, Florence, Naples, Rome, Amsterdam and other places.

They all csed a stir in Vienna, Austa. They were invited by the impeal palace Please perform. At the age of only one year, Mozart finally ended a year's vagrant life and retned to his hometown of Salzbg.

The Archbishop Orchestra in the cot became the chief musician becse he was dissatiied with the stct contl of the bishops. This unstable peod of employment finally ended. He decided to settle in Vienna independently and set foot on the difficult ad of musician His creation is relaxed and rapid, which makes his contemporaes younger.

He regards himself as a self-tght man, not fm the age of science. When we look at his life, it is undeniable that there is no official guidance of genius who has nr really become a teacher, except for the stct instruction of his father in his childhood. Howr, people often iore the fact that genius cannot be separated fm Mozart After hard work, Mozart once said: "people think that I am an art without a task.

In fact, no one will like my piece" I am not a seous person ", which I spent so much time thinking and engaging in music creation. I have seen many times in the Vienna css poor that Mozart's main representative work died when Mozart was only young: the opera" marage of Figa "(Figa) In addition to the foth and fifth most famous violin concerto, he also wte a large number of vocal and instrumental works of vaous genres.




Mozart's Austan composer is considered to be one of the most outstanding and versatile composers in all music genres of his time. He d insping works in each genre and d a large number of works, especially consideng that when Mozart died, he completed symphony, short life, Piano Concerto, Stng Quartet and Piano Sonata As a composer of instrumental music and vocal music, his mate representative works be with "Piano Concerto No. 1 in Evra major" (Piano Concerto No.

1), which he d for piano Mozart is one of than ten outstanding concertos, and also a succesul opera composer. Mozart is the Italian lycist Lorenzo da Ponte's work pduced three outstanding Italian Operas: Le noz Di Figa (the marage of Figa, Don Giovanni and cosvani Tate) (all women did, and they were followed by his highest German opera, die zberflte.


莫扎特奥地利作曲家,被认为是他所处时代所有音乐流派中最杰出、最多才多艺作曲家之一,他在每一种流派中都创作出了富有启发作品,创作了大量作品,特别是考虑到莫扎特去世时,他完成了交响乐,生命短暂,钢琴协奏曲,弦乐四重奏曲,钢琴奏鸣曲,主要歌剧,以及许多声乐和其他乐器作品作为神童莫扎特在欧洲巡回演出,并因其作为钢琴、大键琴演奏者音乐天赋而被广泛视为大自然奇迹,作为一个器乐和声乐作曲家,他成熟代表作始于《埃弗拉特大调第1钢琴协奏曲》(Jeunehomme,他为钢琴创作十几首杰出协奏曲之一,同时也是一位成歌剧作曲家,莫扎特为意大利作词家洛伦佐·达庞特(Lorenzo da Ponte)作品创作了三部杰出意大利歌剧:《乐诺兹》迪菲加罗(费加罗,唐·乔凡尼和科斯瓦尼·塔特婚姻)(所有都这样做,她们随后被他最高德国歌剧《魔笛》(Die Zberflte)所追随。


A few days after his death, Mozart was bued in a chchyard. The drunkard in the town was walking thugh the cemetery and heard a strange sound coming fm the place where Mozart was bued. The drunkard was so fghtened that he ran for the minister to listen.

The pest leaned down to the grave and heard some indistinct music. The pest ran to call the mayor. When the sheff came, he put his ear on the slate and listened for a while.

He said that Mozart's Ninth Symphony was inverted for a while. After listening for a while, he said that the Eighth Symphony was here. The back of it was very difficult to understand, so the sheff was always there Listen to sn, six, five.

Suddenly, the magistrate realized what was happening. He stood up and announced to the people gathered in the cemetery that there was no need to worry about Mozart's decay.





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