
发布时间:2022-08-02 08:47:35 阅读:163 点赞:0


关于”科家“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Kobe's home。以下是关于科家高二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Kobe's home

Kobe Brayan, the leader of the Los Angeles Lakers, the king of nbaas, plays an important le in nbahe. He was born in Philadelphia in August. He started playing baseball as a child.

His father was a basketball player and had a pfound impact on his life. His study at the lower Meon hafg school bught him a lucky start. He became the foth person to enter the NBA as a high school student.

Then, his succesul career be when he was selected as the No.1 draft by the Charlotte Hornets, and then tranerred to the Lakers for his outstanding skills. In the first season of the Lakers, he didn't get too many opportunities. When he entered the pfessional ll, he played in a limited number of minutes.

He realized that people expected the fun of his , but he didn't suddenly lose confidence. This situation changed as the season went on. He showed his talent with high scores, and he didn't want to live in the shadow of past achiments So he played harder and harder to achi his reputation.

He n scored against toto laputo, despite the presse he felt, he said he would not give up, obviously he has the ability to bng the team back to the top, Kobe can and must achi his goal, we are all waiting for that moment.


NBAAs之王洛杉矶湖人队领袖,科贝布拉扬在NBAHe扮演着重要角他出生于xx月在费城,他从小就开始打棒球,他曾经是一名篮球运动员,对他生活产生了深刻影响。他在Lower Meon Hifg学校学习给他带来了一个幸运开始,他成为第四个以高中生身份踏入NBA人,他成职业生涯开始于他被夏洛特黄蜂队选为选秀状元,后来因为出球技而被调到湖人队。在湖人队第一个赛季,他没有得到太多机会,当他进入职业水平时,他在有限几分钟内上场,他意识到了人们对他期望比赛乐趣,但他并没有突然失去自信,这种情况随着赛季延续而改变,他用高分向世人展示他才华,他不想生活在过去成就阴影下,所以他越打越努力,以达到自己声誉。



With short hair, stng body and a few tattoos on his arm, Kobe is going back to the bench. The L on his shorts is the first letter he plays for the Lakers, and the back of his shirt is a pple number with his sname on it. This is the name sung on the cot all night.

Kobe is the only star team that has saved people. The team scored in the first half and scored far ahead in the second half: yelling, clapping and shouting, so that the dience can enjoy his wonderful performance in the cwd Fen, a kid's mouse is too big to swallow a dinosa. Howr, o officials are near the stadium in the opposite direction: they just look forward without expression.

Maybe there is a policy that they are not allowed to lgh at work. Let's focus on his ght hand. Despite his injy, he has a support bandage on his index finger.

Kobe is 40 minutes after playing He still amazes the dience with his performance. A month ago, he felt very tired. He celebrated his score in three quarters.

He thumped his chest. Today, he lowered his head forward and raised his ght hand over his head. He was exhsted.

Looking at his back, people could not see what he was doing. But I think he is excited and lonely now. There is no dou that he is the best basketball in the world Mobilization, but maybe becse of this, he didn't get the support of his teammates, who would rather stand there and watch him play than participate in the .

Kobe was like a lonely soldier, fighting alone, shouting that he was alone, leaving the battlefield, just like in this picte, he left us a lonely fige.




I'm a fan of Kobe. Kobe is a famous basketball player. He has won many medals, such as the national basketball final of the United States, the most valuable player in the NBA Finals, and the champion of Beijing Olympic Games.

He is not only a big player, but also a philanthpist. He has set a good example for us. I learned fm him stng, self-confidence, in the fute do not give up, I will try to learn fm him.




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