
发布时间:2022-07-08 12:31:03 阅读:126 点赞:0




After the competitive college entrance examination, I was lucky to be a student of XX University. My first year in University was very happy and meaningful. I studied very hard and completed my homework effectively.

In order to be a ful person, I sometimes ed my clasates overcome some difficulties. In addition, I also focused on training my pfessional skills, such as dver's license and photo I will take part in some extraccular activities dung the summer vacation or winter vacation, including lectes and lectes of some social volunteers. I will find some internships according to my major to ench my social work expeence.

I am very interested in XXX, which is why I always look for a job like XXX (HR / it / Engineer). In this peod of time, I really be to practical expeence and knowledge, but also enched my spare time.


经过竞争高考,我有幸成为XX大学一名学生,我在大学第xx年在校园里过得非常愉快和有意义,我非常努力地学习,并且有效地完成了作业,为了成为一个乐于助人人,我有时会帮助我同学克服一些困难此外,我还注重培养我职业技能,如驾照和Photoshop CAD等计算机软件能力,我会在暑假或寒假期间参加一些课外活动,包括一些社会志愿者宣讲和宣讲,我会根据自己专业找一些实习工作来丰富我社会工作经验,我对XXX这个领域很感兴趣,这就是为什么我总是找一份像XXX这样工作(HR/IT/工程师)。在这段时间里,我真正开始掌握更多实践经验和知识,也丰富了我业余时间。


My campus life in the fierce competition after the college entrance examination, I have the honor to become a student of XX University, I spent a very happy and meaningful first year in the University. When I am on campus, I study very hard and finish my homework effectively. In fact, I am a ful person.

Sometimes I can my clasates overcome some difficult homework or pjects. In addition, I also focus on dloping my pfessional skills, such as dver's license and comr sofare such as Photoshop CAD. In addition, I will also participate in some extraccular activities, including some social volunteers.

Dung the summer vacation or winter vacation, I will find some internships according to my major to ench my social work expeence. I am very interested in XXX, so I always look for a job like XXX (HR / it / engineer dung this peod, I really be to practical expeence Besides, I also like to cultivate my hobbies, such as traveling, collecting, jogging and reading after studying. These hobbies also give me some opportunities to meet many different fends.

In short, my campus life is very happy and ch. I enjoy it in ry city.


我校园生活在竞争激烈高考之后,我有幸成为XX大学一名学生,我在大学里度过了非常愉快和有意义第xx年。当我在校园里时,我非常努力地学习,有效地完成我作业,事实上,我是一个乐于助人人,我有时也会帮助我同学克服一些困难作业或项目。此外,我还注重培养我职业技能,如驾照和Photoshop CAD等计算机软件能力。



My whole life's disposition is to love all the betiful things. I really have too many hobbies, and with the passage of time, I have constantly generated new interests. I have not thought about constraining nate and let nate explore categoes, astnomy, history, ethnolo, Oental Language, Mongolian Tibetan studies, photography, Philately, advente tou, calligraphy, poetry, music, histocal architecte research, badcasting, etc, I have been infatuated with comrs for than eight years, but I have also stewed for ck climbing.

My first star map is a gift given to me by Ji Ji Ji, a Yunnan clasate who left Beijing before graduation fm University (he actually gave it away becse he couldn't get d of it). It's hand drawn. Up to now, I like the antique sundes and collect them as treases, No matter where I travel without looking at it, I always like to go to the local post office to look for the first day envelope or postcard.

But I often can't remember later that my major in University was medicine. After graduation, I was engaged in epidemic diseases. Once I was pficient in vaous statistical sofare, I also compiled many pfessional statistical sofare.

It was a thing of the past that I didn't need to pay attention to unnecessary details But no bad habits.




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