
发布时间:2022-06-05 15:24:03 阅读:375 点赞:0




Winter is a good time to eat noodles, especially the hot noodle soup. Lanzhou beef noodle soup, one of China's national soup stars, looks plain. The way is: add noodles to each bowl, then po beef slices and sral slices of shredded radish bth noodles.

Some coander leaves are eaten with chili oil immediately, and 1 / 2 tea is added to teaspoon chili oil according to personal taste Spoon.




I also went to a lot of places and ate many noodles. For example, a bowl of mixed sce noodles in Kunlun Hotel in Beijing can be appetizer, but the yuan pce is a head. There is a bowl of ce on Guilin West Street, which is the size of a long live, stemless cup.

You will pick up than ten back and spnkle the und belly feeling on Gansu Malan noodles. Shanghai Bay noodles taste good. How much do you know after solving them Small bowls used to hold so many noodles.

It became a habit to eat noodles in one bowl fm all over the country. Qin Feng's bold and heic people made noodles with the lumps in their hearts. They looked at the noodles blankly and looked out of the world.

Their feet were also tten. They sat quietly with sral bthers of Shanxi Dapan chicken. The big bowl of noodles finally thought of o noodles in the bowl of the hotel sister Let o people first use the meaning, I immediately take the meal card, holding the picte in fnt of the camera o (∩∩) O.




Chinese chives are widely used in Wuhan cuisine and Sichuan cuisine. In order to pify the taste and cope with the humid climate, I would like to tell you how I make hot and dry noodles with leeks. First, boil the fresh noodles mixed with sesame oil in boiling water.

After the noodles are cooked and cooled, they become flexible and can be eaten. Finally, they are cooked again in the same way. When prepang hot ce, add onion, sce and other seasonings Put the noodles into the filter, soak them in boiling water for a short time, then tate and drain them.

Po the noodles into a paper bowl, po the sce and pickles on the top of the chili oil, and use them in the seasoning of sweet noodles, and a little fresh coander. I hope you like it.




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