
发布时间:2022-06-23 13:59:57 阅读:532 点赞:0




Thousands of Foxconn workers in China have gone on stke over working conditions related to the pduction of iPhones; on Fday, 3000 to 4000 employees walked out of Foxconn's Zhengzhou plant, according to China Labor Watch, Foxconn and apple "put too stct demands on pduct quality" without adequate training; the stke occred when Foxconn was forced to close A few weeks after the close of a factory in Taiyuan, a fight involving as many workers led to hospitalization. A labor ghts gup that monitors the condition of China's factoes said Fday's stke came after Foxconn and Apple intduced new quality contl meases, while Foxconn forced employees to work dung public holidays. Foxconn has put forward excessively stct requirements on pduct quality, but has not pvided workers with corresponding skills training.

In addition, workers said that Chinese workers did not meet this standard in the end. Quality inspectors and workers had conflicts and were beaten by workers for many times. The factory mament tned a deaf ear to the complaints of these conflicts and did not take any corrective meases " Foxconn, which participated in the stke, did not take any corrective meases Most of the employees work on the "on-site quality contl line".

According to China Labor Watch, the stke meant that the iPhone pduction line was "paralyzed all day long"; in September, Foxconn was forced to close a factory in Taiyuan, northern China, after it was said that as many workers were involved in the violence, Jeffrey, a spokean for the orization China Labor bulletin, was pressed ·'Foxconn workers are becoming and dang,' Geoffrey Cthall said at the time.


富士康(Foxconn)在数千名工人因与生产iPhone有关工作条件而举行;上周五,3000至4000名员工走出富士康郑州工厂,据《劳工观察》报道,富士康和苹果在没有提供足够培训情况下“对产品质量提出了过于严格要求”;发生在富士康被迫关闭太原一家工厂几周前,一场涉及多达工人斗殴事件导致许多人需要住院治疗,一个工厂状况劳工权益组织说,周五是在富士康和苹果推出新质量控制措施之后发生,与此同时,富士康强迫员工在公共假期间工作。富士康对产品质量提出了过分严格要求,却没有为工人提供相应技能培训另外,工人们说,工人们最终没有达到这一标准,质检人员与工人发生冲突,多次遭到工人殴打工厂层对这些冲突投诉充耳不闻,没有采取任何纠正措施“ 参加富士康员工大多在“现场质量控制线”工作,据《劳工观察》报道,意味着iPhone生产线“一整天都处于瘫痪状态”;xx月,富士康被迫关闭了位于北方太原一家工厂,此前,据说参与暴力事件工人人数多达工人,施压组织“劳工公报”发言人杰弗里·克罗塔尔(Geoffrey Cthall)当时说,富士康工人越来越胆大包天。


Dear fends, welcome to o school. Now let me intduce to you that o school is a famous school in Wuxi. O school was built in this year and has a history of nearly 100 years.

Many students graduated fm o school. Some of them are scientists, some are engineers, some become workers and farmers. They have made great achiments.

There are classoms in the society, and we learn The school has than students and teachers. O school consists of o teaching buildings, fo laboratoes, a library and a large playgund. All o teachers work hard, and the students in o school work hard.

I beli o school will do better in the fute. I hope o school will become betiful.





In my family, my father is an industous family, my father is an industous family, my parents are a very industous person in my family, my parents are a very industous worker in my family, my parents are a very industous worker in my family, my parents are a very industous worker in my family, my parents are a very industous worker in my family In my family is a very good worker, my parents in my family is a very hard-working workers.




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