retweet是什么意思 retweet的中文翻译、读音、例句

发布时间:2022-09-30 14:43:08 阅读:556 点赞:0

retweet是什么意思 retweet的中文翻译、读音、例句


3. Don’t forget the power of the reeet or RT, either.

7. You might have noticed that there's an implicit workflow to the relationship beeen the User and Reeet objects.


8. Particularly if you are a media outlet who wants readers to reeet yo stoes, ask yoself: if i saw this, would i RT it?


9. Over the next few days, i be getting real human followers, engaged in a few bef conversations, and n got reeeted sral times.


10. Now that i've got a servlet to pump out a list of Reeets in JSON format, i'm ready to connect that data to my dashboard web page.


11. So we have to look at how we display the follower count, how we display reeet count, how we display "likes," and just ask the deep question: is this really the number that we want people to dve up?

翻译:所以我们需要审视如何呈现粉丝数, 呈现转推数, 呈现“喜爱”数量, 并且问这个深奥问题: 我们想让人们提升是否就是这个数字? 。

12. Are Twitter users with followers, eets, replies or reeets relevant in the context of real time one-to-many conversations?


13. But first i'm going to model my Reeet object.

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