
发布时间:2022-08-30 13:15:14 阅读:355 点赞:0




As shown in the fige above, we can clearly see that the employment rate of college students has been declining year by year. The employment rate is beeen% and%. The reasons for the decrease are as follows: first, the employment is shnking, but the employment opportunities pvided by the society are limited.

Some students are easy to find a job. But in fact, some students think that the salary is too low. They don't want to do this job.

They just want to find a salary Water is higher for easy work. Third, as and students enter the University, there is no suitable / suitable staff, so graduates are facing fierce competition.




Fm gr APH can clearly see that in the early s of the s, the employment difference of the three major employment sectors in the Btish economy was relatively all, with about 10000 engineeng workers. Howr, ding this peod, the relative scale of these employment sectors changed siificantly. The number of agcultal employment decreased rapidly, the number of workers decreased siificantly, and the employment opportunities in the industry increased sharply, especially in the peod of employment After a peod of time in the engineeng sector, the continued downward trend of the above gwth rate clearly shows that the industry will continue to employ the largest number of people at least in the next few years.

Although the total number of workers required by the engineeng sector will decrease in the next decade, the number of jobs pvided by these three sectors is much aller than it was a decade ago, and there seems to be no impvement in the near fute Students who are about to graduate may need to prepare for a job elsewhere.


从gr aph可以清楚地看出,世纪年代初期,英国经济中三大就业部门就业人数差异相对较小,大约有万名工程工人,然而,在这一时期,这些就业部门相对规模发生了重大变化,农业就业人数迅速下降,工人人数下降幅度更大,服务业就业机会急剧增加,特别是在工程部门经历了一段时期之后,但上述增长率持续下降趋势清楚地表明,服务业至少在未来几年内将继续雇用最多人,虽然工程部门在未来xx年内需要工人总数会有所减少,但这三个部门提供就业人数比xx年前少得多,而且在不久将来似乎没有任何改善可能,即将毕业学生可能需要为到别处找工作做准备。


The above picte vividly depicts a funnel-shaped picte, which shows that thousands of students enter the college for employment ry year. Most of them psue the top majors, and only a all number of graduates can find jobs. Since the 20th centy, not only witnessed the rapid economic dlopment, but also the economic csis.

More and graduates realize that employment is difficult than in the past. Although they choose a top major in the University, they still can't find a reasonable job like a funnel. Of cose, the entrance is wide and the exit is narw.

This is csed by many factors, such as advanced The dlopment of science and technolo has led to the reduction of employment, and many graduates lack operational ability. Therefore, I stngly advocate that meases must be taken immediately to solve this dilemma: on the one hand, the government must enhance the importance of employment to employment; on the other hand, the dlopment of o society requires college students to put what they have learned into practice.




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