
发布时间:2022-03-25 08:53:52 阅读:138 点赞:0




Today is a happy day in high school. I got up early. I had a good breakfast.

Then I went out to play with my fends. We had a good afternoon. I went swimming with my father.

It was very hot. But after dinner, we felt very good in the water. I started to do my homework.

I didn't think it was difficult. So I finished it very early. I read a few books and went to bed 了.




The value of reading people often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world, but I don't think so. Reading is valuable than anything. This old saying is always ful.

It clearly tells us how good reading is. Books are the fends they intduced to us. Books are o teachers.

They teach us truth, science, literate and philosophy of life. They increase o knowledge, ench o expeence, strenen o character, and do many things that we cannot do without them. We must learn as long as we live, but o life is that knowledge is limited and knowledge is infinite.

There are many things that need to be learned and many should be avoided. Books tell us what is good and what is evil. Only books can tell good fm bad.

Therefore, for o young students, reading is the best policy.





Part of the fun of reading is reading, so that ry day there is an interesting happy time, instead of me feel a kind of inexplicable happiness like ditch water. "Human nuttion book" reading a good book is not one night after work, I take out the book you like, just eat well and watch it, let me learn a lot of knowledge, worry, read a book quietly, let them heart As the reading time goes by, he reads a Book happily and happily, which makes him read happily. This may make me think that some people will say, "you have no rest time in yo spare time.

You have read a book." Then I tell you: "don't play comr s, watch TV, watch rest, reading is also a good way." in the pcess of reading, people's brain and body will have a good rest. When reading, don't distract yo mind too much, but now, what is good, what is bad, what should not be done, in daily reading, yo vision and knowledge Knowledge will be impved, and time will not be wasted, becse I think that waste of time is the most terble thing in life, so let's act together now, pick up yo book, and find the unique please in reading together.




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