
发布时间:2022-06-03 15:15:10 阅读:513 点赞:0


关于”我三个决心“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:My three resolutions。以下是关于我三个决心xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My three resolutions

This guy was lying on his deathbed, sunded by his weeping wife and his fo children, three of whom were tall, betiful and athletic, but the foth and youngest was an ugly dwarf. "Honey," the huand whispered, "pmise me that the youngest child is really mine, and I want to know the truth before I die if his wife Tell me gently, I will forgive you "Yes, my dearest, absolutely no pblem," he interrupted. "I swear on my mother's grave that you are his father." Then the man died happily, and the wife mmed, "thank God, he didn't ask about the other three.".




He doesn't know which of his three sons is the same to them. Shortly after his death, he called them to the bedside and said, "Dear children," I've been thinking about one thing. I want to announce to you that whor of you is the laziest person will have a kingdom, "said the boss." then, father, the kingdom is mine, becse I'm dirty.

If I lie down and have a tear fall in my eyes, I won't open it for me Sleep. " The second said, "father, the kingdom belongs to me, for that is what I am." When I sit by the fire to keep warm, I would rather bn my heels than retract my legs The third said, "father, the kingdom belongs to me becse I'm too lazy. If I'm going to be hanged and tie a pe nd my neck, anyone who puts a sharp knife into my hand, I can use it to cut the pe." I'd rather be hanged than put my hand on the pe.

" When his father heard this, he said, "you have cared the pe as far as you can, and you will be king.".






The judge fwned at the tired bber and said, when you admitted to breaking into the same shop three nights in a w, yo honor, why is it becse my wife wanted a dress? The judge checked his record, but here you bke it for three consecutive nights. Yes, sir, she asked me to change it ice.




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