
发布时间:2022-08-11 14:55:51 阅读:139 点赞:0




Nowadays, and people are willing to participate in vaous sports, such as table tennis, football, volleyball, etc. there are many competitions ry year. Sports at the city, pvincial or national ll are no longer limited to a few pfessional athletes.

People can see them practicing martial arts (such as Chinese boxing or fencing) These martial arts were oginally dloped for self-defense, but now they have become a form of physical exercise and practiced in parks, streets, gardens or campuses. In addition, people often see young and old people running for exercise. China pmotes sports to impve people's physical condition.

She is dloping policies to encoage this activity. She presented pzes to the best athletes. In China and in the world, the Chinese have become a stng nation, not the weak in East Asia.





Folk culte is a all, isolated, cohesive, conservative and almost self-sufficient gup. It is homogeneous in customs and races, has a stng family or clan structe, highly dloped tual order is maintained by sanctions based on religion or family, interpersonal relationship is traditional supreme, and will change little and slowly Instead, each person has to perform a vaety of tasks, although duties may vary by gender. Most goods are handmade, a self-sufficient economy prevails, individuali is weak in folk culte, and social strata remain unchanged.

In industalized countes such as the United States and Canada, culte no longer exists - perhaps most closely in the United States and the United States The modern counterpart is the Amish, a German Amecan agcultal faction, which largely abandoned the industal age pducts and labor-saving devices in the Amish region. The horse drawn carage is still the local means of transportation, and belirs are not allowed to own cars. Amish's modest and diified central religious concept clearly reflects the weakness of individuali and social class.

It is a typical folk culte. At the same time, it also has the corresponding stren of Amish gup identity. Rarely do Amish marry outside their religious sect.

Vaous Mennonite beliefs pvide the main mechani for maintaining order. By contrast, mass culte is a huge one Becse of these contrasts, the populaty of the monetary economy may be seen as distinct fm that of the civil society. In industalized countes, populaty is replacing the pvate sector, and in many dloping countes, mass goods are being replaced by mass goods of the same kind, usually becse they are pduced faster or cheaper, are easier to use or save time, or bng greater prestige to owners.


民间文化是一个小孤立、有凝聚力、保守、几乎自给自足群体,它在习俗和种族上都是同质,有着强大家族或宗族结构,高度发达仪式秩序是通过基于或家庭制裁维持,人际关系是传统至高无上,并且会发生变化很少且缓慢地将劳动划分为专门职责,相反,每个人都要完成各种各样任务,尽管职责可能因别而异大多数商品都是手工制作,自给自足经济盛行,个人主义在民间文化中发展得很弱,社会阶层没有改变在和加拿大等工业化国家,文化已经不复存在——也许在英美最接近现代对等物是阿米什人,一个德美农业派别,在很大程度上放弃了亚米希地区工业时代产品和节省劳力装置,马车仍然是当地交通工具,信徒不被允许拥有汽车。阿米什人端庄谦卑中心观念清楚地反映了个人主义和社会阶级弱点,是典型民间文化,同时也有相应亚米希人群体认同力量,很少做阿米什人在他们之外结婚,各种门诺派,提供了维持秩序主要机制 相比之下,大众文化是一个庞大、异质群体,通常高度个人主义,而且许多专业很强,世俗控制机构,如和军队,代替和家庭来维持秩序,货币经济盛行正是因为这些对比,大众化可能被视为与民间有明显不同。在工业化国家,大众化正在取代民间,在许多发展家,大众化物品被大众化同类物品所取代,这通常是因为大众化物品生产速度更快或更便宜,更容易使用或节省时间,或为业主带来更大威望。


If the stars are at the top, this phenomenon is very common in o society: and stars appear on the stage, they bng happiness to the public, they pvide entertainment to people, and make people relax in the interval of work, but they are absolutely too many. People engaged in sports and entertainment may have different skills and talents, but they are almost the same It's common: well paid stars deserve high pay. My answer is No.

although they may have special skills, many other ordinary occupations also need special skills and require years of education and special training. This kind of income inequality makes people dou the le of education, which is harmful to the next generation. They may choose to give up their studies and psue easier money like sports stars or pop stars.

This has become a reality. In order to make wages fair, the government should impose heavy taxes on the stars whose incomes are too high. It should increase the income and give it to the citizens who have made contbutions to the society, such as scientists, teachers and doctors.

This is very fair. Even scientists who have won the Nobel Pze should also pay contbutions to the society, such as scientists, teachers and doctors. It's so unfair that Nobel Pze winning scientists earn less than stars.





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