
发布时间:2022-05-28 07:22:50 阅读:335 点赞:0


关于”手机好处“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The benefits of mobile phones。以下是关于手机好处六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The benefits of mobile phones

When I pass an important thing, win a pze or do a good deed, it is very important to share o happiness with others. I will be happy to share it with others. As soon as I have good news, I will make others happy and feel hr.

I will tell my fends first and then my parents. When my parents or fends praise me or congratulate me, they will feel for me To be pud, I sometimes feel very happy. I will treat my fends with candy and share my happiness with one sentence.

When you are happy, tell others that you will make the world betiful in today's society. Many of us don't seem to understand the siificance of shang. Now people are selfish.

I think what cses this phenomenon, becse each family has only one child, they gw up alone, and it is difficult for them to share what they have with others. On the other hand, with the dlopment of o country, people's character has changed. They cheat each other and do something harmful to their relationship.

Their trust is completely bken. They are just mutual I really hope that we can open o hearts, trust others, share their sorw and happiness with fends, and share what they have. It is this shang that makes us no longer lonely and makes o life colorful.




Fishing is a very leisely pace. It has been regarded as a model of enjoying life and respected as the best of martial law, martial law and so on. Now, I want you to imagine yoself as a worm as bait.

You are just like what he thought. When you are in the position of an earthworm, you are digging holes, injung, acting as bait, paying yo own pce and hting others' pain, you know For the fate of the fish how to hate their greed, it can be a earthworm does not want to ht the fish, becse we are not fishermen, but we have no consciousness as earthworms.




As far as I know, there are many places where vers are polluted in o country. There are a lot of dead fish floating on the ver sface. Besides ver pollution, there are also air pollution and soil pollution.

They have csed great harm to human life. More and people begin to realize the seousness of this pblem. The government has begun to take meases to combat pollution, but there is still a long way to go We should love o earth and stve to fight against pollution in modern society.

We are and aware of o living envinment or natal envinment, becse we are no longer as clean as before. Now many people choose the envinment of the house, not its location and cost. We all know that over the years, envinmental pollution has become and seous, all we can do is to stve Gradually ptect the envinment.

As for the pollution of the government and the people, we also try to ptect it and keep it clean. Although we have ptected the envinment to a certain extent, there is still a long way to go to ptect o envinment. The earth is o home.

We must take good care of it. We should reduce the pollution, becse we know that ryone in North Ameca has to make a few Most of the garbage in kilogram is packaged. Most of the garbage tns into soil instead of plastic.

Plastic will pollute o envinment for many years. So we should not waste things. We should make something to recycle.




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