
发布时间:2022-08-29 14:50:31 阅读:256 点赞:0




Once upon a time, an old farmer planted a piece of land ry day. He went to the field to see the gwth of the seedlings. He saw that the young shoots bke thugh the soil and grew higher and higher day by day, but they were still the same.

He felt that they were gwing too slowly, and he was impatient with those young plants. "How can these plants gw faster?" He left him in bed at night and couldn't sleep. He suddenly thought of an idea.

He had an idea. Instead of waiting for daybreak, he jumped out of bed and rushed to the fields in the moonlight. He be to make seedlings one by one.

After pulling out the seedlings, he pulled them up half an inch. It was already morning. He said to himself contentedly, "what a good idea! How tall are these plants in one night?", He went home and told his son that he was in a elated tone that shocked his son.

Now that the sun has sen, young people are heartbken to see all the tender grass pulled out. People now use "eight Miao Zhu Zhang" to descbe the behavior of people who are eager for success and only make things worse. The idiom is a little like the English pverb "Haste makes less achiment" to spoil things, and is too enthusiastic.




My mother, I have a great mother, she is very concerned about me in my life and study. She got up very early when I was a child and made breakfast for me. She prepared my schoolbag.

But now, she tells me to do it by herself becse she thinks I am big enough. Moreover, she always checks my homework. She checks it carefully and s me a lot.

I love my mother Mom, I have a good mother named Yu Bihua. She has short and black hair. Her eyes are big and und and black.

Her mouth is very all. She likes to talk. She is not tall.

She often wears bwn coat, black tusers and black shoes. She is old, but she looks very young. My mother works in the hospital.

She is a nse. She is very busy ry morning. She gets up very early Going to work starts when she has lunch: after lunch, she takes a break and then goes to work.

When she comes home at night, she often watches TV and then goes to bed. My mother is an ordinary, hardworking woman, but I am pud of her.




Once upon a time there was a little chimney cleaner named Tom. He lived in a city in the north of England. He could neither read nor wte.

He nr washed clothes or prayed. He had nr been tght to do such things. Mr.

Gmes made him work hard and rarely fed him. One summer, when they were called in to clean the chimney, they gave him a slap at hadovan, a wealthy Sir John's mansion, and a mysteous woman in a red petticoat walked with them for a while. The hadovan house is as big as an ordinary house on the whole street.

In one of the chimneys, Tom got lost and went wng. In one of the chimneys, Tom got lost and went wng. In one of the bedoms under the snow-white sheet was the most betiful little girl Tom had r seen.

Her cheeks were almost as white as pillows, and her hair was strewn on the bed like gold thread. She may be as old as Tom, or maybe a year or o older than Tom, but Tom didn't think of her delicate skin and golden hair he thought, whether she was a living person or the wax doll he saw in the shop, but when he saw her breathing, he determined that she was still alive and stood stang at her as if she were an angel fm heaven. When she woke up, she saw the black and ragged fige of little Tom.

She screamed, it was a nse. Tom escaped fm the window, came down fm a tree, acss the park, acss the house, over a wall, slowed down, cssed the wilderness, climbed a mountain, he was hot, tired and thirsty, but below was a wonderful sight, a dark green ck valley, very narw It's full of trees, but thugh the woods, dreds of feet below him, he can see a clear stream. If he could get to the stream, he could see the of of a cottage and a all garden.

On the square and the bed, there was a little red thing moving in the garden. Tom looked down. It was a woman in red.

The woman in the farmhouse was teaching some children the alphabet. She gave Tom a glass of milk and a piece of bread to give him a rest. He has a fr and can't sleep.

He went to the stream, took off his clothes and fell into the cool water.







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